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Error searched for the voice, but was still unaware of who it was. "Don't be afraid, you know me~" That voice...
"NiGhtMAre! WHAt Do yOu WAnt?" Nightmare stepped out from the dark, revealing a small smile. He chuckled as he replied, "I just want to help a friend in need." Errors red eyes widened, "yOu hAVe tRIed tO kILl mE muLTipLe tImEs nIGhTmARe.."
Nightmare's gaze softened, "No, not me but the others. They want you dead." Nightmare helped Error get free, but just in time because Ink came in carrying food. "Hey glitch, you hungry yet-" he stopped dead once he saw that Error was gone. He set the food down and called out, "E-Error? I don't have time for games!" But Error stayed hidden with Nightmare. Ink walked forward, reaching for the closet. Oh no! What do I do! Error thought. He opened the door himself and tackled Ink in a very, uncomfortable way..since he doesn't like contact. "E-Error! Wha-what are you doing..!?" Error could tell Ink was uncomfortable, and Error took that to his advantage. "It SEemS yOu nEeD a pUnIShmEnT...FOr lEAvinG mE iN tHIs DArk COld ROoM.." Summoning his strings, he held Ink down, including his soul. "Error, listen to me! You need to stop this! I'm only trying to help.." That made Error freeze for a second, making the strings loosen. "Error," Ink started, but then grabbed his paintbrush and slashed Error with it. Error let out a gasp of pain, Error signs filling his vision.

You should have let us help you Error..

We're so sorry Error..

Now kill Ink! Look what he did to you!

Error finally started to listen to the voices, he weakly shoot bones at Ink. Ink dodged, chuckling. "So yOu THinK tHAts FuNNy! Ha! LeTs tAKe tHIs soMEwHerE eLSe.." Error grabbed Ink with his strings once more, and tp them outside, into the cold snow. "Just give up Error.. I'm gonna beat you!" Error only smiled, his yellow sharp teeth showing. "AnD wHy WOulD I Do tHAt SQuiD? LEt yOu hAvE aLl tHe Fun~" Error walked forward, blood gushing from his slash on the chest. Ink backed up, quite scared in fact. "Y-you need to calm down Error!" "I Am CAlm InkY.." Nightmare hide behind a tree, watching the battle, amusement on his face. "This will be good.."
[395 words]

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