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Enjoy my herbal tea ↑

Ink stepped through the anti-void, in hopes Error was there. "INkY onLy waNts mE eraSed.." Ink heard Error talking to himself. "I'll juST haVe tO ERaSe hiM FIrsT! HahaHAHAHA!" ink saw Error on the floor in a tight ball, his back facing Ink. Sighing he walked up to Error, looking at his face. "Error..?" But only silence was heard. "Error, answer me." But still. Nothing. Ink pored at Errors face, debating weather or not to wake him. But then, Error started to shake and whimper in his sleep. "So this is why he never sleeps.." Ink knew that every time Error slept, he had nightmares that drove Error mad. Shaking Error lightly and calling his name in a soft tone, Error slowly opened his eyes. At first he looked dull, like he needed sleep. But, then he jolted up, surprised to see Ink. "INK! WhAt ArE yOu doInG hERe!?" Ink had jumped up surprised, "I-I was ju-" But Error interrupted Ink, "You kNoW whAT, I DOnT caRe...jUSt gET oUt.." Error looked weak and defenceless, but had a scowl on his face. Ink respected Errors wishes, after all it is his place. "InKy, gET oUT!" Error started getting mad and stood up. Ink backed up, "I'm not here to hurt you or start a fight. I'm only here to talk." Error looked up at Ink, anger pulsing through his 'strings'. Bones suddenly appeared behind Ink, "tHEreS nOThinG tO tALk ABoUt!" Backing up more, Ink was about to get his paintbrush but it was gone. "HahaHAHAhaha!! YoU REaLLy tHInk yOU cAN bEAt ME! YOu WOrtHleSs pIEce oF tRAsh!" And there it was, wrapped in Errors strings. Error suddenly snapped, all insanity breaking by a 'thread'. "Error please, I don't want to fight! Only talk." Ink tried to stay calm, but his fear was seeping out of him. Error has never looked this ... dull .. lifeless .. so .. insane! "Oh iNkY! Do yOU ReALlY tHInk I BEliEvE yOu!" The bones behind Ink were charging at him, so fast he thought he was about to get impaled. But he teleported just in time. He teleported behind Error and grabbed his brush. Hitting Error with paint and turning the paint to chains he chuckled. "Error I told you," Ink moaked as he faced Error, who was bitting the chains, "I want to talk. I know you can change. Destruction is no 'job'. Only a desire." Error was chained from his shoulders down that didn't allow him to use his powers. "LEt mE gO!" He glitched, still bitting the chains. But Ink didn't listen. He teleported Error to his house, a stupid decision yes, but what choice did he have? Stay in the anti-void of nothingness? No, he was going to change Error. No matter what it takes.
I know ink can't feel, but hey whatever. I'm making him have a soul but can't feel because I think it sets in the story. Hope you enjoyed!
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