Listen To Me

427 18 16

Error only saw darkness fill his vision. He looked around, unable to see anything except darkness. A sudden pain hit his back, knives! They were stabbing their way into his back. He tried ebbing away, tried pulling them out. But nothing came. "WhAt wAs tHaT..?" He questioned after the pain stoped. 
Error! You fucking idiot! You were so close!

You disappointed us!

"No, I tRiEd! It wAsNt mY FAulT! YoU mUsT bElIevE mE!...plEAse.."

You have failed!

"I'll dO anYtHing! AnYtHinG tO pRoVe iT!"

Hmm.. very well..

Fear accumulated inside of Error, making him sick. He wasn't sure on what he just agreed to. But it was the only way to earn these voices trust again, or he will be in A lot of pain every night.

The only thing I ask for, is for you to break free from that pathetic Ink's house! All I ask for! destroy au's again.

Error nodded, afraid to say anything. But then he started to wake from his awful dream; his back still throbbed, making it hard to keep still. Ink was in the room shaking Error. He was mumbling in his sleep, sometimes shaking and twitching. "Error? Error! Error, wake up!" Errors eyes shot open, causing Ink to stop shaking Error. "Error! Did you have a bad-" "leAvE mE aLoNe!!" Ink backed up, surprise written all over his face. "Fine," Ink huffed, "I was only trying to help.." "I doNt CArE whAt yOu weRe dOIng!" Error yelled, trying to get free from the anti power restraints. "LeT mE gO!!" Ink shook his head "no" in response. "You're only going to destroy au's Error...I can't let you do that.." ink picked up a spoonful of food and came closer to Error, "Open wide!" Error tried to get free, but the smell of the food brought him closer. "NoT huNgRy!" Error says as his stomach growls. "Loud stomach for not being hungry Error." Ink said as he came just a bit closer. "You have to eat, its been almost two days!" Ink once again tried to feed Error and was happy that Error agreed to eat. "Good. I was getting worried, what if something were to happen? You'd be too weak!" Error rolled his eyes, sick of the squid baby. "OkAy yAy fOr mE, cAn I Go bACk tO mY vOiD nOw?" "No You cannot! That void is to, to..empty! No wonder you're such a dick sometimes!" Ink was getting impatient, doesn't Error see that he can't go back..? I have to change him.. he.. he can't really want to go back..? Ink kept thinking to himself, wishing Error could see that he can't go back to the void. I won't let him.. ink thought again, giving Error another spoonful. "WhY cANt I gO tO mY vOid iNkY?" Error glitched, trying to block out the voices. "Because its bad for you're health!" Ink huffed angrily. "AlRigHty, cAlM DoWn sHOrtY." He mocked, "BuT seRiOusLy, cAn I gO hOmE..?" Glitchy looked serious, trying to get Ink to understand that he needs to get back to the void. That was the only way to shut up the voices. "You can never go back there.." "whAt! WhY!?" Ink looked at Error before cracking the door, "Because-"

Was that too evil?

InkXError: can't we be friends?Where stories live. Discover now