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Error shot forward, intending to kill Ink, but just then an arrow hit Error on his shoulder, making him stumble backwards. "Dream!" Dream bounded forward to help Ink, his bow aimed towards Error. "I came for a quick little visit but it seems that I'll be staying a bit longer.." Error backed up, suddenly afraid.

No! What are you doing!!

Kill them!!

"I-I caNt!" Error opened a portal to the void, only to be snatched by someone...or something.




The voices kept screaming at him, telling him to destroy, kill, calling him trash. That it was his 'duty' to do these horrible things. "NO!! LeAVe mE aLOnE!!!" Error desperately tried to shut the voices up, but he couldn't. They would never leave him alone. It was his destiny to destroy, like it was Inks to create. Error ended up falling in the bitter snow, blood scoured the snow, dust fuming. "PLeasE.."
"E-Error! Hold on Dream," Ink walked towards Error, reaching out yo him and rolling Error onto his back. "Shh, its okay Error.." Ink started healing the glitchy boi, not caring what Dream said. After Error was stable, Ink carried him home and laid him onto the bed. He left the food where Error could reach it, since he is now cuffed to the bed. "Ink, are you crazy? That, that...mistake is probably going to snap at any moment! You can't just-" "Brother, its okay..I know Error..he is too weak right now anyways.." Ink and Dream jumped up, bewilderment on their faces to why Nightmare was here. "N-Nightmare, why are y-you here?" Nightmare chuckled, "Am I not allowed to see my brother?" Dream held up his bow, "Naive brother. I didn't come here to fight!" With that said Nightmare tp away. "I've got to go find him.." And Dream tp away as well, leaving Ink alone in the house with Error.
Had to make up for that short chapter above. Hope you enjoyed loves!
[343 words]

InkXError: can't we be friends?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu