Open you're eyes

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Darkness. More and more of the darkness surrounded a skelton. He called out, "Hello?" But no one answered. Suddenly he felt a sudden jab on his soul. "Error, he's destroying again.." He sighed as he grabbed broomie. But suddenly someone grabbed Ink, forcing them down. "Ah! Wha- who are you!?" The dark figure had him pinned, and it was none other than Error. "YoU aRE goINg tO dIe oN tHIs sPot!" He screamed as he summoned a huge gaster blaster. "No! Wait we can talk this out-" But Error didn't seem to care. He shot at Ink, causing Inks soul to shatter.

Ink opened his eyes in a panic motion. He felt around his body and looked over at Error who was still asleep. He sighed, relief filling his soul. "It was just a dream.." But then Ink looked at Error a bit closer, he was shaking and occasionally twitching in his sleep. "Error, hey Error." Ink said as he shook Error, the chains still on him. "Error!"

Error felt Ink trying to wake him, but he couldn't wake up.

You're not leaving yet!

Ya, we still have stuff we want to tell you.

Its about Ink.

One stated before Error could reply.

He's going to hurt you Error! Please, you must understand that!

"BuT hE wOUlD hAvE ALREaDY dONe iT..?"

Don't you get it!? He's waiting for the right time!

Error nodded, a little confused. He was too scared to disobey the voices. A figure, taller than any Papyrus came into view. Scared, Error stumbled backwards. Do not fear.. we won't hurt you Error.. we never have..

InkXError: can't we be friends?Where stories live. Discover now