Did I forget to mention he's also my ex? Maybe I did, but it wasn't anything serious, okay that's a lie he didn't want to become serious and I did, so here we are a year later.

Thomas got their drinks and then walked to my side handing me a beer I took it and sipped on it, looking around everything seemed to be calm for at least this ten seconds.

"What's wrong?" Thomas asked.

"Nothing, just two more hours and I am out of here." I said and he smiled.

"Want to stay till closing?" He asked me that and I seen someone out the corner of my eyes holding up three empty beer's, so I put mine down and walked over to him taking the three away.

"Three more?"

"Yes." I nodded popping three more and handing them to him he thanked me walked away.

"Nope." I said walking back to Thomas he laughed shaking his head.

"Alright then, what are you doing when you get home?" He asked and I glanced his way.


"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be." I laughed nodding my head. "You know two years ago you were easy to get." I shook my head.

"That was before you turned me down in a room full of people." I said and tossed my empty beer out throwing it away.

"Holding a grudge gets you nowhere." He said and I looked over to him.

"It does stop you from getting heartbroken." Then I walked away I heard him sigh but I didn't care to look back I just wanted to finish work and get home.

Honestly I wanted something that beer couldn't give me.

That only one person could give me.

"So Calvin was it?" I leaned against the bar and he smirked leaning froward.

"It was." I smiled nodding my head.

"What were you gonna do the rest of this fine night?" I asked and he smirked looking to my breast.

"Nothing that can't be cancelled." When he said that I bit my lip and glanced over too Thomas who was talking to some customers.

"Well then, I should get back to work." His eyes lingered on my breast before he looked to my face but I was already walking away.

"What if me and you have a good night tonight?" Calvin asked and I snickered.

"How long you willing to wait?" I asked looking around the bar, his eyes followed mine and he grabbed my wrist I gasp in surprised as he pulled me forward to him.

"As long as it takes." He whispered in my ear and let me go I stepped away from him and went on doing what I had to, about three hours later, Caleb had left and the only people left in the bar was me, Thomas, and Calvin who was nice and drunk.

"Whats he still doing here!?" Thomas asked and I looked over.

"He's waiting to fuck me." I shrugged and his eyes went wide.

"What!?" He snapped and I groaned.

"Thomas, your not my man you can't just tell me who I ca- what are you doing!?" I asked because he had pulled out the gun.

"Ooo, look at that little gun." Calvin scoffed slamming down a huge gun on the table, Thomas smirked picking the gun up.

"I like the way this feels." His vice was so dark his accent came out much harder then before, he pointed at Calvin who didn't even move.

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