Chapter Three

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Thank you guys , I am so happy that you are giving my story a chance !
I would like to apologize for the super late update, but as a college studentthere is no time.
But I promise that I would try to update more often

Enjoy the chapter !

Amal's Pov

My eyes were wide open as big as an Owl. Sleep and I had a conflict, I couldn'tsleep at all. Thoughts invaded my mind consuming it , not leaving me a chanceto rest.
Who are these people?
How could my parents leave me here?
Why can't I forget Xander eyes ? That's the most dominant thought of all.
I kept pacing in the bed trying to sleep. Having a look at the clock on thenightstand near the bed it read 2:56 a.m.

The room that Marlyn showed me, the one I am currently staying in is thedefinition of a black hole. Everything is black from the carpet to thecurtains, the room has a 60 inches TV Screen along with an PS4. It has threedoors, one for the bathroom, the balcony and a walk in closet.
This room was too big for a guest room but who am I to judge.

I gave up on trying to sleep even though the bed is warm and comfy with thebest scent. I need to ask Marlyn about the name of the washing powder they use,it's addictive.
I went to sit by the huge window and have a long talk with the moon, I can'tjust go downstairs and wonder in the people's home.
I placed the white hoodie over my long brownish hair covering it , the hoodiewas too big for me. But then again everything is huge on me.
Today the moon was shinning so bright , it was literally illuminating the wholeentrance to the forest.
I don't know how they live in the middle of the forest, like what if bears,lions, tigers, wolves, foxes were planning an attack , how would they survive? But then again this view is breathtaking andworth it.

Suddenly, there was howling heard not far from here and another and anotheruntil a those individual howls were united into one , it became like abeautiful melody but it was loud that I was wondering why weren't Marlyn and theothers awake, maybe they are used to it.

But then there was this howl , that was the most powerful out of all , I feltlike the caller was asking for me to come over. I don't know what happened nextlike my legs got a mind of their own and my brain isn't the one in controlanymore. All I am thinking is answering the call of the owner of that sound. Mylegs starting moving without my command going to the door, opening it andstepping outside , without having a clue I find myself out of the house and movingtowards the sound , I don't even know how am I sure about the pathway, but Ikept going and not for once doubting myself , the howls kept getting stronger ,louder as I go. Fear never crossed my mind not for a millisecond even.
As I neared the place I came into an opening where there was at least a 75 wolves all packed together.
And that's when the trace that I was got broken and my brain got all thecontrol back.

I stopped dead in my place not knowing what to do , so I did as any other humanbeing I started taking baby steps to the back trying my best not to make asound and let those wolves have a late midnight snack.
But of course I end up stepping on a small piece of branch from tree, breakingit into half.
Making all the wolves look my way. The started growling and baring their teeth,their shiny large teeth that would just any minute rip of all of my skin andmuscles.
I closed my eyes waiting for them to eat me, because there is no way that Iwould out run them
"Ashhad Ana La .... ( I bear witness that)" I was about to say the shahada , when a strong growl overpowered the others, and them stop. Like a pin drop silence.

I opened my right eye, to check the scene in front of me , but nothing got meready to see all of the wolves bowing their heads down to me, as if asking forforgiveness, all of them but one black wolf, I could say a horse regarding hisenormous size was standing with his head high and staring directly at me, withhis black, golden eyes. The look was too intense that I had to look away butthat caused the black wolf to growl and start walking towards me, in which Istayed still

"Brain order my legs to move or I will be this wolf's snack" I kept screamingin my head, but it's useless
As the distance between the wolf and I became 5 cm I started crying , tremblingand shaking like a person having a seizure attack that caught the wolf'sattention so he stopped right in hisplace like a statue, but he kept looking at me without even blinking , a coupleof minutes passed with the same situation but then suddenly the wolf bowed downhis head as if to show me that he means no harm.
As a response my body starting to return to his normal state and I found myself bowing as a sign of respect to the wolf

"I need to visit a psychiatric if I get out of this situation alive"
The wolf probably took this as a keep going, as he starting moving again untilhis stood in front of me. With his entire height towering over me, which is embarrassing.I felt my cheeks coloring pinkish whichgot the attention of the wolf and he responded with a smile I guess.
I had a scowl on my face with a bit of annoyance that I am being made fun of bya wolf.
In which the wolf responded with a look of amusement all over his hairy face.
The wolf bend his face my way as if to tell me to play with his fur, don't eventell me how I understood but I did, so I took my hand and starting playing withhis fur in which he purred in response.

"You like that don't you " the wolf howled
His fur was so soft and silk that I myself enjoyed stroking it. It gave me arush of electricity a good type, as I took a look around , there was no one butus . It's like the other wolves wanted to give us privacy.
"Okay Mr. Wolf, if you don't want to eat me , May I leave, I have to wake upearly tomorrow"
The wolf growled , as if he don't like what I called him
"What do I call you then Wolfie" I said smirking
He seemed annoyed
"Okay okay how about MD short forMidnight" I suggested
When I got a smirk in return , I know he liked it
"Nice to meet you MD , I am Amal, thank you for not snacking on me "
With MD eyes I read I hope to see you soon
"Sure, see you soon MD"

Wait how am I supposed to know the direction home, dammit Amal.
MD might have felt my distress so he walked with me showing me the directionand soon I have reached Xander and Marlyn hous.. I mean palace, I didn't knowhow the place looked like as I was passed put when I came here.
MD pointed with his head to the 4th room on the second floor as ifsaying this is your room.
"Thanks MD for everything bye"
Wow I know how to communicate with animals now huh!!

Do you want to know what your dog, cat is thinking?
How are they feeling?
Are they talking behind your back with their friends?
Who do they think is the hottest owner ? and more!!
Fear no more, we have the solution right here for you, a certificated animaltalker Ms. Amal Hadad is to the rescue, she can communicate with your animal,have a little chat and will know how they are feeling and what are theircomplains. All you need to do is call the number that will appear at the end andset an appointment super easy !
Don't know what they are gossiping behind you, Amal is here to rescue you !!

As I reached the door while slowly sneaking back, it was engraved withthe letters AX , I have no idea what they mean probably to differentiate theguest room from the others.
I took a look at the clock on the nightstand it reads 04:45 , I was out for 1 hour and 48minutes.

When will I have time to sleep and wake up early to get ready for school

"Oh Allah in a couple of hours would be my first day in Willstone High"


So here you have it Chapter 3

I would love to hear your opinions & thoughts 

Comment & vote if you liked the chapter !!

I hope you all have a great day !!

Until Next Time Sy__Gi :D

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