Chapter Thirteen

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Hello lovelies, I would like to officially apologize for the super late update of the story. I was initially supposed to update on September but unfortunately several events took place altogether.
I wasn't mentally in a good place along with the stress from my final university year starting to top it all the corona. I didn't think it was fair to you guys to update just anyways
You wouldn't believe how many times I had to re-write this chapter just because I wasn't feeling it.
But I got somehow satisfied with how this turned out to be.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: THANK YOUUU ALL for the continuous support and love that you are giving. You guys are literally the best. Allah bless you all

Without wasting much time , I present Chapter Thirteen
Enjoy & Stay Safe ))


Xander's POv:

Amal was sick and I was somehow relieved because I will be the one to take care of her and we will spend more time together making up for all the days that we were apart. All I could ever do is check up on her from time to time since her family is always wit her. Frankly I don't care that I am not the one taking care of her. Well maybe a little but I know she need her family more now and all I want to see is she getting back to normal.

So today i decided I will cook something for her.I have a good feeling about this. I can totally picture her taking a sip of the soup and her eyes lighting up from the taste. Let's start. I got out the ingredients and looked up a recipe online.

Midnight was also on board with the idea since he missed Amal and he will get to see her. It seems like they have started to develop a specific bond between the both of them and let me tell you I am NOT at all jealous
"You totally are" I can picture midnight sticking his tongue with a smug look on his face as if we are competing against each other
"We are and the score is 0-1 in my favor "
"That mother......" I was cut off by Jason's voice
"Watcha doooiii .. what the hell did you do to the kitchen man" he looked around in disbelief
"Isn't it obvious I am cooking" scratching the back of my head nervously
"Are you trying to commit a murderer by poisoning someone" Jace said disgusted
"No, I was trying to cook a recipe I found on the internet" I said seriously
"Dude that's not cooking, if any chief sees this they will pass out "
As a clue Amanda the cook came and her eyes enlarged to the point I think they will pop out
And I swear I saw her placing her hands on her head to keep herself from fainting.
"See even poor Amanda was about to pass out. There there Amanda let me take you out of here before you completely lose consciousness" Jace extended his arm for Amanda to lean on and to my surprise she took it. They left the kitchen together
It can't be that bad I 'm sure Jace is being the drama queen he always is. I took a quick look around the kitchen and for a moment I thought I was somewhere else.
The kitchen was indeed a mess, the vegetables, meat, flour, eggs were everywhere. Do I need to clarify that it was my first time ever entering the kitchen and cooking or is it too obvious
"Your Knight in shining armor came to the rescue " Jace came with his arms open
"Do I look like a damsel in distress??" I asked with a raised eyebrow
"You couldn't have described it in a better way my damsel in distress " he placed his arm around me
"Now to fix this mess we will need to clean up a little, pick up the phone and order some homemade food for whoever you are trying to impress"
"I thought you were going to say let's cook or at least instruct me to do a delicious dish"
"Nahh, my recipes are only for my mate and no one else" Jace said with a proud look on his face
"And you always were about the single life while secretly being a secretly hopeless romantic wolf waiting for his mate"
"It's not that I don't want a mate, I know I will eventually have to meet her and be with her but for now I like the freedom but yeah that doesn't mean I didn't prepare all kinds of surprises just for her. For instance my cooking will only be for her. So we are ordering the food you kitchen monster"
"By the way bro you look very bad. When was the last time you slept" Jace asked concerned
"Well I am going to be honest with you I didn't get much sleep. I will often go check on Amal and I won't sleep just in case she needs something when her family is not around. I practically live in the next door room in the hospital ward. I will only sleep when my body finally give up but it won't last long. I just can't help it"
"She will recover soon don't worry man"

After our one on one moment . I made Jace order all of the menu from the restaurant while I went to the Hospital Ward to check on Amal and see how she's doing. Expecting her to be alone. Boy was I wrong.
Her whole family is in the room. Shes's laying down while her mother is by her side, stroking her head.
Both of her brothers are on the coach playing video games on the hospital TV with no sound. How they got the device in the room in the first place I will never know.
Her Father was on the chair with his eyes closed he seems like he's resting. I can only assume that he didn't get much sleep. I decided to talk with the doctor and see how's her condition

"Hello Doc Laura how is she doing today?"
"Alpha "she bowed and continued "Luna's condition is getting better. She can be released tomorrow morning "
"I am glad to hear that thank you"
"Alpha you should rest too" Loura said as I was leaving the room.
"When she's okay then I will be " I replied with a smile.

His Hijabi MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora