Chapter Fourteen

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Hello Lovelies it's ended been a while. I won't rant much to you guys. It's just I OFFICIALLY GADUATED MEDICAL SCHOOL so I got busy with my final exams. The graduation ceremony and the paperwork.
Nevertheless I was writing this chapter. But then I got an inspiration and rewrote the whole thing once again to make the flow of the story better
Stay Safe.. Without any further delaying I present Chapter Fourteen
P.S I tried a new approach!


Third Person Pov

Everyone is excited about the upcoming camp trip that will take place tomorrow. Amal is preparing her backpack for the trip. It wasn't easy getting her parents approval but eventually she did. Frankly they only said yes after knowing that Marwa will be joining the trip as well.

As she was in the middle of packing her belongings, a knock interrupted her.

She wore her prayer clothes just because she was too lazy to put on anything else

"Get in"

Xander who stood outside Amal's room was feeling anxious he didn't want her to go to the trip. His instinct isn't at all satisfied with her going there. The woods isn't as safe as he would like. Just to be sure he wants her to stay

As he heard the "get in" he twisted the knob and entered her room. The only thing that caught his attention was Amal. Nothing else matters when he looks at her, the surrounding disappears and all that is left is her.

He is yearning to hold her close and mark her but he knows damn well that's too early and he's already scaring her away with his awful temper that gets the best of him.

But how could he possibly be chill when his mate is so near, yet so far away from his grasp. It's something that's making him lose his mind. But he doesn't want to see her in the state she was before. She's healthy now and that's the most important thing. He will try his best to control his temper.

"Hey Red"

Upon hearing his voice Amal head turned so fast that's it cracked

"What is he doing here" Amal was thankful that Xander and herself got busy over the days after getting discharged. It gave her time to understand what's happening with her, but so far she came up with nothing. There is no freaking explanation and that's causing her a beautiful discomfort, if you can even call it that. But it does give her that

"Hey Xander"

"I need to speak with you. Can you step out for a moment"

"Sure, let me just grab my abaya and I will come" standing up.

Xander took that as a clue to close the door after nodding his head.

Amal quickly went to her wardrobe. But couldn't find her abaya, so instead of wearing anything like the weirdo she is she decided to text Marwa

"Sup sissy"- A

"Sho bdek (what do you want)- M came Marwa's reply in a sec
"I need an Abaya ASAP" –A
"Lesh// wla elek ma bdi a'aref. Be there in a minute (Why.. you know what I don't want to know)"-M

Xander was amused when he saw Marwa running at full speed down the hall carrying was he assumes is the abaya. Was he shocked not at all.
Marwa ca,e to a stop inftont of him observing, looking, searching. He felt like he's under an investigation. Then just like that as if an idea popped up in her head and Marwa was satisfied with it. She went around Xander entering her sister's room.
"This girl is up to something"

YO Jace" mindlinking
Sup Alpha" came his reply
I want you to keep an eye on Marwa"

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