Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"So are they ever coming back on stage? It's been forever already."

"Wow Kamui for someone that claims not to like Triple Threat you're certainly impatient."

"Maybe that's not the reason Hokuto-chan. Maybe he just wants to see my big brother again."

Kamui flushed red. "You have to be crazy! I...I... DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM."

"Right Kamui and I don't want to see need to stop denying it."


"Face it Kamui, you like him. There's no denying it we all know. As does Sorata and Sei-chan. Just because Arashi isn't saying anything there's no doubt she knows it too. You're the only one that seems to be swimming in the denial river."

"Even if I DID like him. Dating a celebrity? That's the kind of stress I don't need in my life right now."

"Then you shouldn't date him. Fuuma is extremely sensitive...too sensitive for me. I prefer edgy bad boys like his older brother. But whatever a celebrity is a celebrity. I'll take him off your hands."

It was Kotori that turned around and narrowed her hazel eyes. "Good evening keep your talons away from both of my brothers. Big brother is FAR too good for you and there will be ice skating in hell before bigger brother dates you."

"Ah good evening Kotori. I see you're still going to hell as you're still dating a woman. That's one thing I can say for Fuuma at least he's normal."

Kotori's response got drowned out in the lights going back off and the crowd screaming as the band came back on stage.

Fuuma looked over at his brother and was ready to set up the moment of indirectly asking Kamui out on a date through song and then his eyes met Quadira's and he froze. All the confidence he had built up and recognition of who he was flew out the window.

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