Chapter 10

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"My name is Kotori Monou I'm here to see my brother Fuuma Monou, where is he?!!" Behind her was Hokuto, Subaru, and even Kamui. Sorata and Arashi were on their way.

"He's in exam room four."

"Thank you, let's go Hokuto-chan, Kamui-san, Subaru-san." Walking in, they were greeted with the sight of Fuuma with a cast on his left arm and one on his right leg. "BIG BROTHER ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"

"Ow...yes I'm fine, got out of it with a slight concussion and a broken arm and leg. Good thing we have no tours planned."

"You idiot, this is no time to be worrying about tours, you could've been killed!"

"Nonsense Kamui, I'm fine. Hey, does that mean you care about me?"

"I didn't say that."

"Oh well, I tried, that aside...have you guys seen Seishirou yet?"

"Wait...bigger brother is here too?"


"Where is he?"

"Last I heard? Surgical ICU. He looked bad...." Fuuma remembered We Are The Champions playing in the background while he laughed with his brother when the headlights flashed, they had barely finished off the word when it hit Fuuma's car.

The last thing Fuuma remembered seeing was the unsecured guard rail impale his brother through the stomach blood pouring out onto the seat...

"What do you have?"

"Nineteen year old male; car versus truck going 100 mph."

"Can you tell me your name? And where you are?"

"My names Fuuma...I'm in the hospital...what happened?"

"Fuuma, you were in a car accident, you've lost a lot of blood and looks like you have some broken bones. Is there anyone that we can call?"

"My sister...her name's Kotori Monou, her number is in my wallet. Where...where is my brother?"


"His brother was in the car with him, he's coming in the rig behind us; they had a hard time getting him out of the car; the guard rail impaled him."

"Twenty-six year old male was in the car with his brother. Guard rail impaled him through his stomach. Lost about a liter of blood if the car interior is anything to judge by... We got a line started in the field and had to shock him once to bring him back. Finally had to just cut what we could of the thing to get him here."

"Is he stabilized?"


"Book an OR now!"

Walking upstairs, Kamui stuck close to Fuuma who was hobbling on crutches, they found themselves in the ICU and the sight of Seishirou in the bed seemingly asleep.

"We're his siblings...what's the matter with him?"

"He's slipped into a coma I'm afraid. We managed to repair the damage done to his internal organs in surgery, so he's stable for now."

"Will he ever wake up?"

"Hard to say, they say when you're in a coma you deal with your innermost demons. So ideally whenever he deals with them he'll wake up."

Kotori and Fuuma exchanged glances. Seishirou was a lot of things, but dealing with his own problems was not his strong suit.


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