Chapter 20

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Theband had gone backstage for a break before doing their encore. Soratawas doing stretches while Fuuma took a water out of the fridge. Honeyeyes rested on the lithe form standing on the side, a halfsmoked cigarette in his lips. He still wanted to punch hisbrother in the nose and still was weighing the pros and cons of that.How could his brother do that?! Fuuma had a half mind to go overthere and yank that cigarette out of his brother's lips, maybe thatwould be a better payback. Although he had noticed his brother hadn'tbeen smoking as much lately.

"Isthere a reason you're staring at me the way the captain of thefootball team stares at the captain of chess club?"

Fuumaspat his water out."AH NII-SAN! You scared me!" He had forgottenhow observant his older brother could be.

"Getyour head out of the clouds and down here on earth where it belongs.We have a show to finish."

"Sincewhen do you care about the band Mr. I Quit and then rejoined!"

"Ihad a door open that changed my view on life. If you don't want mehere I couldgo solo. I'vealways had a love for music. Now are you going to stop picking afight with me just because you're pining over Kamui and I tried tohelp move it along for you because clearly you're denser thancement?"

"Iam not pining! I can't like him! I had a girlfriend..."

"Haveyou ever thought that maybe you're bisexual Fuuma?"

"Thankyou Sorata and I'd wish you'd forget about that swamp hag. Sheonly wanted you for money and to get to me. We all see you like Kamuiand not just me and Sorata. Hokuto-chan, Kotori-chan and Subaru-kunknow too. The only ones oblivious to it are you and him."

"But..."Fuuma was met with an intense amber gaze. Could his brother actuallybe right? He had always looked up to his older brother since theywere kids. He had always thought his brother was oblivious usuallywhen it came to love. But yet...Sorata agreed with him and Sorata wasthe love expert as far as Fuuma was concerned.

"Sowhat do I do?"

"Whatdo you mean what do you do? You ask him out on a date!"

"But...Idon't know how..."

"Iwill give you one moreopening to express how you feel to him. So you can break the ice. I'mtired of you living with your head in the clouds."


 "Hmm. Just promisenot to get on my nerves anymore."

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