Chapter 12

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"What did you learn in school today Fuuma?"

"Ummm errr I forget."

"Silly Fufu, you're not supposed to forget!"

Fuuma gave his sister a box of crayons. "Dad, when's Mom coming home?"

A push of glasses up the nose. "She should be here in about ten minutes and your sister's right. You're not supposed to forget; maybe you need a tutor."


Glasses were removed and Fuuma was left looking into blue eyes. "Then you better straighten up and study hard."

"Eriol, Oruha is here with me."

"Mom! Oh hello Oruha-san."

"Hello Fuuma. Eriol, you're not being too hard on the boy are you?"

"Not at all, I want my boy to grow up a success of course. Anyways, Oruha, what brings you here?"

"Kaho was telling me there was something I had to hear."

From the garage, a loud guitar riff was heard, followed a powerful voice belting out a rock ballad:

"Now it's up to you, we can make a secret rendezvous

Just me and you, I'll show you lovin' like you never knew

That's why, I'm hot blooded, check it and see

I got a fever of a hundred and three

Come on baby, do you do more than dance?

I'm hot blooded, hot blooded"

"Quite a voice Kaho, renting your garage to a local band?"

"In a manner of speaking Oruha; that's my son."

"Little Seishirou? My, his voice has changed. Who's in the band with him?"

"His friend Yuuto."

Kotori giggled on the rug. "I think Yuuto-san is more than just a friend to bigger brother Mommy."

"Well I'll bring him in here so you can see him, you've been gone with that husband of yours for so long you haven't seen how big he's gotten."

"I haven't seen him since he was nine. I can't wait."

Kaho tapped on the garage door. "Well that was a lovely concert. Seishirou, you sounded lovely dear and I approve of your love ballad, but there's someone here I want you to meet."

The teenager's face turned red. "MOM!"

Thankfully Yuuto was busy with his phone and missed the jab.

"Eriol, dear, where'd our guest go?"

"Kitchen; Fuuma wanted to show her his drawing from art class that's on the fridge." Blue eyes turned to his teenaged son. "So are we done trying to confess to Yuuto-kun for the night?"

"DAD!" Amber eyes went wider and the blush deepened if that was possible.

"My my Kaho, Eriol, is this handsome young man Seishirou? My best choir boy until he grew up?"

"Oruha-san, you're back!"

"I am and your voice has grown, I have a friend that owns a club and I think she could get you and your friend in during teen night."

"To perform?! Seriously?! Mom, Dad, can I?"

"Hmm I don't see why not. Your grades are top rate this semester."

"Kaho, honey, his grades are always top rate."

"Fair enough then, yes you can; let's hope Yuuto-kun's parents agree."

"Yes...I'll go talk to him. May I be excused?"

"Yes you may dear."

He opened the garage door and Yuuto was still tapping on his phone. "Writing a love letter to the cheerleader in class B?"

"Haha nope, just talking to Satsuki-chan about homework, my grades are crap this term. I don't believe it, she refuses to help me!"

"That may or may not be because of your habit of flirting with anything that walks and is in a skirt. But here's the deal: we can play at a club but I know your parents, you'll need to bring your grades up. So I'll help you but you may want to consider your bad habits."

"But I can't help myself! There's so much of me to love, right?"

Fists clenched briefly and quickly unclenched. "Women aren't tools for flirtation Yuuto. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Come on, I'll walk home with you."


"So that's how you got your first big break into music?"

"Yeah it was, sorry for going on for so long..."

"No no, it's okay I'm glad to learn more about you. Now I feel above and beyond the other fans." A slight giggle and smile; Subaru was teasing for the most part.

"Thank you for listening then." He leaned in and closed the gap between their mouths earning a contented sigh in response.

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