Chapter 3

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"Alright everyone! After this, one of the people in this room will get a very special opportunity!" Yuuko paused to light her pipe. "That is once the boys get back with clothes on their backs."

Sorata for his part sat on the side, smiling at the fans in the room as he drummed on his leg. What was taking his band mates so long?

"So has Quadira-chan talked to you yet?"

Fuuma looked up from buttoning his red top. "No why?"

Seishirou for his part hesitated as he pulled a blue silk top out of his locker. "Oh it's nothing."

"I've always liked you more than your brother. Sure he spoils me and he's cute, but you're way more attractive and Fuuma told me you're single."

"Except there's one problem with that. Actually, make that two problems. One I would never do that to my brother," A pause as strong hands pushed her back, "Two, while girls don't revolt me, I wouldn't be caught dead dating one. Not my thing."

"One more thing, of all the women I've had throw themselves at me, you're the absolute worse. I'd sooner date a sea hag than you."

"Hey Nii-san! Let's go!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming."


"Now does everyone have their raffle tickets? When I call out a number, the person holding that ticket gets to come up and sing with one of the boys."

"I'm not doing it Fuuma, you are."

"More of the girls swoon over you than me."

"Exactly my point."


"Shut up."

"Number seventy-seven! Come on up."

It was quiet in the room for a bit until a loud girl's voice rang through the room. "GET UP THERE SUBARU!"

"Ah Nii-san, you can sing with him!" Two shoves sent both Subaru and Seishirou stumbling forward.

Now that he was really looking at the boy, there was something familiar about those emerald eyes.

Where have I seen those eyes before?


It had only been a week since he moved into his own apartment. Right now he was coming home from work, stopping to buy a pack of cigarettes first. "Where the hell are my keys?"

As he searched his pockets he heard voices behind him.

"Well go on!"

"Um...excuse left these on the counter."

Turning, he was met with a pair of twins; a boy and girl. The boy was holding his keys and when their eyes met the child blushed. He couldn't have been older than ten years old.

"Thank you...I'm just not fully awake yet."


It couldn't be, could it?

Composing himself for now, he reached for the acoustic. "Any particular song you want to sing?"

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