Chapter 9

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"Subaru, how long do you intend to stay in there?"

"As long as possible. I'm such a fool Hokuto-chan."

"You're not Subaru! Kamui just had bad timing."

"Maybe it was destiny..."

"I doubt it; now I'm going over there later and you're coming with me." Her phone vibrated, alerting her of a new text.

'Any luck?'

Hokuto tapped a reply. 'Some, what about you?'

'Are you mad? I don't even know where he is yet.'

'Well keep trying, we'll be there in a few hours.'

'K I'll do my best, maybe I'll come over there for a bit."


Kotori slipped her phone back into her pocket. There was only one area left to check. The basement. Walking down the steps of the basement all she heard was a thwack sound. The sound of a punching bag being hit repeatedly. "Oh dear...." Looking down, there was one punching bag that literally had the stuffing kicked out of it. "Bigger brother?"

It was no use. A second punching bag was getting an onslaught of kicks. Kotori knew better than to bug her brother, so she scribbled a note saying she was going out with Hokuto and to take care.


Fuuma sat on the couch half slouched. "What did I do to deserve that? It's because I'm tall isn't it? But Seishirou's tall and she said she liked him! I'll go have a word with him! Find out what he knows."

Fuuma headed for the basement. Kotori had mentioned that Seishirou had taken to the basement to "exercise his demons away", whatever that meant. He knew his brother wore a cross around his neck, but it's not like he believed in demons, right? Acting on impulse, he jiggled the doorknob and found it to be unlocked. That was odd, Seishirou usually locked the door. Walking down the stairs he was greeted with his brother's bare back and watched him throw several fast jabs at a punching bag.

He had never seen his brother in such casual clothes before. Sweatpants, a headband around his head, and his iPod full blast while he took out his rage on the poor punching bag. Whatever was bothering his brother was serious. Fuuma took a breath and lightly tapped his brother on the shoulder only to duck from his brother's right foot. He had forgotten his brother did kickboxing in high school.

"Fuuma? What the hell are you doing here?" Headphones were removed and so was the headband around his head.

"Look, I need to talk to you and Kotori went out with Hokuto somewhere. Sorata's on a date tonight. I'll drive?"

"That worries me more."

"Plus something's bothering you, so we can let loose! I know I don't have a fabulous Mercedes Benz that's fully loaded, but hey, I got me a Porsche. Let's hit the town Nii-san! Just because we're in a band and famous doesn't mean we can't have fun."

Seishirou had turned to pull his shirt back on and when he turned around again, Fuuma was looking into familiar amber eyes with an eyebrow raised. "Fine, but I refuse to listen to any of our albums and sing with you."


"How do you drive this thing? There's close to NO leg room."

"Oh that's because Kotori played with the seat when she was in it."

"Uh-huh. Why'd I'd let you talk me into this?"

"Because we're brothers! Now then, what were you punching that poor bag about for?"

"I don't want to talk about it... What's your issue?"

"Well Quadira-chan broke up with me, said I wasn't good enough and said she'd rather have you."

"Let me assure you right now, I wouldn't touch that sea hag with a ten foot pole."


"One, I wouldn't date anyone that was dating someone else. I know what it feels to be lied to and cheated on. Two, not my type; I don't date women."

"Nii-san...are you...are you gay?"

"Took you long enough to notice. Though I don't really think I'm that anymore either."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind."

"Come on Nii-san, I told you mine."

"I feel more like I'm meant for one person. Now what else did you want to talk about?"

"I think I may be attracted to a guy, what do I do?"

"Don't tell our parents."

"Well that's a given with how 'spiritual' they are."

"Yeah. Where are we going?"

"I don't know—"

"Don't do it."

"—where I'm going but do you have room for one more, troubled soul."

"You suck. That was a demo and I doubt I'll release it."

They were so busy laughing and talking, Fuuma didn't notice the bright headlights that had ran a red light....


"What do you think Hokuto-chan? This one or this one for Arashi's and Sorata's wedding?"

"I like this one, even though they're not even engaged ohohoho."

"Perfect! Oh they will be soon enough, Sorata confided in me."

"Kotori-chan your phone's ringing."

"Ah damn, hold on." She picked it up. "Yes, this is she. What...what happened? Is he okay? I'll be right there."

"Hokuto-chan...we...I...I...need to go."

"What's the matter?"

"Big brother was in a car accident, he's at Tokyo Memorial Hospital."

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