Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Subaru opened his eyes and blinked a few times.This wasn't his room...his room had Triple Threat posters all overthe wall...this room was different. There were posters on the wall,sure, but none of his favorite band. Still groggy with sleep, heblinked his eyes and he heard the soft knock on the door. "Comein."

Instead of his sister's shrill voice tellinghim it's time to face the day he got a softer female voice instead."Subaru-san, you should get ready, Kotori-chan said to bedownstairs in fifteen minutes."

That's right, he was in Seishirou'sbedroom. Instantly Subaru's faceflushed pink as he scrambled to get dressed and make the bed. Ashe emerged downstairs he saw Sorata, Arashi, and Kotori down there."Where are my siblings?"

Kotori put down her tea. "Hokuto-chan went togo get Kamui out of bed...Arashi tried but had no luck like she didwith you."

"Ohohoho, rise and shine Kamui; you can'tlay in there all day! Dreaming about your soon to be boyfriend? Let'sget dressed we're going to be late!"

There was a small bang, presumably Kamuifalling out of the bed; and tenminutes later both him and Hokuto,she had stayed to make sure he didn't go back to bed, weredownstairs.

"Alright everyone, grab a muffin on thecounter and feel free to grab coffee or tea as you please. It'sgoing to be a tight fit but we'll all fit into my car, let's go!"

As they piled into Kotori's car Subarucouldn't help but wonder...what was the surprise?


Upon arriving to their destination Kotori ledthem all backstage where all three members of the band sat.

"Ohohoho looks like you guys are ready for aperformance of a lifetime."

Fuuma turned first as he was just setting upsome game system. "Oh we are, we havethe finale of our video game show for charity then the real showbegins. Glad to see you all made it."

Kamui just smiled and waved sheepishly. Waitwhy am I like this, I don't like him!

"My dear sweet Arashi, this is so cruel to beaway from you for so long!" The room burst out in laughs followedby 'aww's as Sorata walked over to Arashi picked her and spun heraround before kissing her.

"For once he has a good idea." Subarubarely got to process the voice speaking before his own lips werecaptured in a kiss.

Hokuto and Kotori just looked at each otherbefore deciding why not and lip locked as well. That left Fuuma andKamui. Kamui for his part looked at the ground beet red (for somereason) and Fuuma just rocked back and forth on his heels.

As the three couples pulled apart, it was Fuumathat broke the silence looking at the ceiling. "Ahem Sorata,Nii-san, we gotta get on stage soon."

"Ohohoho yes we wouldn't want to keep youfrom stage, but first things first Sei-chan I have something foryou!"

Hokuto walked over and slid a rainbow-coloredwoven bracelet onto his left wrist. "There, friendship bracelet!You captured my baby brother's heart and that makes you a friend tome!" Seeingas everyone else was distracted, Subaru was talking to Kotori aboutanimals, Hokuto's emerald eyes narrowed slightly as she tugged onthe lapels of Seishirou's leather jacket. "Don't you ever darehurt him or believe me I'll find you and end you."

Amber eyes widened in shock. Heseemed to have misread Hokuto. Quickly the smile slipped in place. "Iwon't, in fact I have a surprise for him tonight.I'm done hiding in the dark."

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