Chapter 17

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Kotori opened Fuuma's door and Kamui was surprised to see that it was clean. On the walls there were several posters for band competitions and for different music bands. In addition to that there were several awards for Triple Threat's albums going gold, platinum, and winning at award shows. Then there were trophies from boxing. "Um Kotori-chan?"

Kotori was poking through her brother's closet looking for smaller clothes for Kamui to sleep in. "Hmm? Yes Kamui?"

"Does Fuuma...does Fuuma box?"

"Oh yes he does! He was the undefeated champ back in high school." Kotori was still rummaging through her brother's closet. "Here this is the smallest he has it; may be a tad big on you."

"Oh...thank you." So it appeared that there was more to Fuuma than meets the eye. Kamui had caught glimpses of the taller male shirtless before and he certainly had a nice body...WAIT WHAT?! NO. Even if Fuuma was's not like he was into guys...right? Kamui shook his head as Kotori left the room and proceeded to get ready for bed.

"Come on Subaru, I'll lead you to bigger brother's room... it's down the hall since bigger brother likes his privacy."

"Why did you put Kamui in your other brother's room Kotori-chan?"

"Why you ask? Because maybe being in big brother's room will help your twin realize the feelings he's casting to the side."

"Well played Kotori-chan...well played."

"Well, here we are." Kotori opened the door at the end of the hall. Upon opening the door, Subaru was in awe. "Oh my goodness, his''s beautiful."

There were anime and band posters all over Seishirou's room, as well as figure skating competitions and Olympic skaters posters as well. Awards for Triple Threat, for Marluxia Sakura, and for a band called Double Trouble as well; although Subaru had never heard of them. Maybe Seishirou liked them? There was a glass cabinet full of anime figures and a bookshelf filled to the brim with manga. A sewing machine was in the corner, along with several props Subaru recognized from Sailor Moon and Kingdom hearts. The closet was huge and Subaru found himself drawn to it.

Upon walking over, he also saw several awards for kickboxing and belts that were from karate.

Subaru opened the closet and he saw that Seishirou had it divided into three sections. His normal attire that he wore on and off stage. Cosplay which Subaru was in awe at. "Kotori-chan did he...?"

"Make those? He did indeed."

Subaru grinned; what other talents did his boyfriend harbor? Then, after the cosplay section there were several figure skating costumes that Subaru recognized as belonging to Marluxia Sakura who Subaru of course now knew to be Seishirou in his younger days. "These are lovely...Kotori-chan, can I..?"

"Oho, go ahead I doubt bigger brother will mind. I'll leave you now shall I? By the way, the password to bigger brother's computer is his birthday plus his favorite two franchises. Good night Subaru."

After Kotori closed the door, Subaru pulled out a stunning blue and black costume. It was very form fitting and the blue sequins sparkled in the dim light of the room. Slipping out of his clothes he slowly slipped into the old costume. "I'm stunned it actually fits...decent, It's a bit long on me but then again he's a lot taller than I am." He was surprised there was no mirror in Seishirou's room. He puzzled as to why before slowly turning on the computer.

As the computer booted up Subaru typed in the password using the hints Kotori had given him, although it had taken a few tries of combinations before finally getting into the computer. Surely she had left it so he could use the webcam to see how he looked in the costume since there was no mirror, right? Once the computer woke up from its sleep mode, Subaru blushed when he realized that Seishirou's wallpaper for his computer was a picture of the two of them. Again Subaru noticed that his boyfriend's amber eyes were full of life in the picture and his smile seemed to light up the picture.

"When was this even taken? I think it was before we convinced him to re-join the band."Subaru was just about to click on the webcam to see himself when a video call on the computer popped up. Subaru looked at the contact's name and it just said "Cell."

"Could it be?" Subaru clicked on it and sure enough, once everything loaded Subaru was staring into his boyfriend's eyes.

"Good evening Subaru-kun. I was wondering when you'd finally log onto it. You look stunning in that costume by the way."

Subaru blushed. "Good evening took me a few tries to figure out the exact wording of the password. I assume you set this all up?" Subaru flushed a deeper red knowing what he was wearing. "Thank you but...I bet you looked more stunning in it in person...I saw you wear this one on television once."

The cigarette Seishirou was raising to his lips fell and he sat there shocked, also a bright red and nearly dropping his phone in the process. "Never mind that...I think you should get changed and get to bed or you'll sleep through the surprise."


"Trust me you don't want to miss it. Good night Subaru-kun."

"Good night Seishirou-san..."

As the call disconnected Subaru proceeded to change into an older pair of pajamas that Kotori had dug out and left for him on the bed. Crawling into the bed, Subaru's mind raced with wonder. Just what did his boyfriend have planned for him? Knowing Seishirou it could be anything.

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