Chapter 8

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Hokuto, Kotori, and Arashi came inside to dry off and change. Poor Kamui had been roped into to stay as a judge of a water volleyball match between Fuuma and Sorata. "Are you sure he'll be okay out there Hokuto? Fuuma and Sorata tend to get...carried away."

"Ohohohoho, he'll be fine. He may be a short shrimp but he's a tough cookie. I wonder where Subaru got to."

"No idea. Bigger brother doesn't like swimming with other people. He's actually shy." Kotori's ears picked up a famous dialogue. "They're in the entertainment room; watching Sailor Moon by the sounds of it." Walking into the room on tiptoe, Kotori peaked and saw both of them on the couch. Still walking on tiptoe knowing she was on thin ice, she started to crawl to the front and sure enough both of them seemed to be asleep.

Subaru's head was gently resting on her brother's shoulder and on instinct her brother's arm was around Subaru. 'Just like he did to Fuuma and I when we were little.' Their heads were touching slightly. Kotori was torn; part of her wanted a picture, but the other part knew if she dared to snap one she'd wake them up. Well, not so much them, she didn't know much about Subaru, her brother however... Oh well, screw it! It was too cute to refuse. Taking a quick picture, she hightailed it as fast as she could out of the room as to not get in trouble.

"Kotori-chan, what are you—"

A soft hand covered Hokuto's mouth. "Sh, just watch."

Amber eyes blinked open and instantly his heart started to race. Looking down, he saw Subaru peacefully cuddled against him and his face turned a light shade of pink. He could move sure, but that would wake Subaru up and he didn't want to do that. He looked angelic while asleep and something about this just felt right. Like something from a past life. Then why couldn't he shake his uneasiness?

Subaru's emerald eyes slowly started to blink open and when he realized where he was he too went pink, though a lot deeper shade due to him being paler. "I'M SORRY I FELL ASLEEP, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!"

"It's fine Subaru-kun, really it is—"

"I STILL SHOULDN'T HAVE; I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SOR—WAH!" Subaru had flailed so much he started to fall off the couch. Similar to the time with the meet n' greet, Seishirou attempted to catch him. This time though, he misjudged himself and found himself on the carpet with Subaru pinned underneath him, their foreheads touching slightly.

Subaru's heart was racing. 'How many people would kill to be here right now? My past self would be trying to kill me. The only person I can think of that wouldn't would be Kamui... Why am I thinking about this? We're so he going to...?'

Likewise, Seishirou's heart was racing just as fast. 'Now I know it. He is special. I feel the way I felt with Yuuto back in school but far more intense. With that I could hold myself back. The only thing holding me back right now is fear. Fear that if I make a move on him he'll be gone forever. But he's not squirming away, does he want me to kiss him perhaps? His eyes have a look of desire, not disgust or fear. Should I do it?

Hokuto and Kotori watched eagerly from the door frame as Hokuto's twin and Kotori's older brother's mouths moved closer.

"Eeee, they're going to kiss we did it Hokuto-chan!"

"Ohohohoho I know, but we must keep quiet. Subaru's shy and the slightest thing will distract him."

Their lips had just barely ghosted each other's and Subaru was just about to reach up and wrap his arms around his crush when—

"Subaru? Subaru are you in here? It's time to go."

"Dang it Kamui, you ruined it!"

Both males on the floor scrambled away from each other blushing furiously. Subaru apologized again and Seishirou did the same, shutting off the DVD player and heading up to his room after bidding Subaru goodbye.

Hokuto and Kotori groaned. "Now what do we do? Bigger brother will be in his room for days."

"Subaru won't be much better. I'm going to punch Kamui in the nose."

"There you are. Kotori-chan, will you drive us home?"

"Ask Sorata and Arashi to hitch a ride with them... There's something I need to do. Bye Hokuto." A kiss to the older girl's cheek before Kotori started up the stairs.

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