'Good morning Mrs.Varma... You look gorgeous as always...' Aayan said and Ananya smiled

And that's when it hit her, he was actually lying with her, on her bed and this wasn't a dream...

But how was this possible ? How could Arjun and Vansh let him to come near her, and if he sneaked in, he will be in trouble...

Ananya opens her eyes and sits on the bed with a jerk, looking at Aayan who gives her a 'what the hell look' and sat up too, caressing her shoulders, thinking that she is having some discomfort...

'What happened, Ananya...? Are you in pain ? You want me to get something for you...?' he asks worriedly and Ananya stares at him not saying anything

'Tell me damn it, you are scaring me...'  he shakes her gently, breaking her reverie

'Are you real...?' she blurts out and hearing this, Aayan starts laughing

'No baby, I am an illusion, like this world... Infact everything around us is an illusion, Sab Moh Maaya Hai...' he replies and she hits him

'How the hell, did you get in here...! Go out right now... Or else Paa and Bhai will kill you....' she warns him and he chukles

'You think I am scared of them...? This is your room, you are my wife and I want to spend time with you, who will dare to stop me...' he says kissing her neck and she shivers

'Aayan.... You can't stay here...' she says slowly, and her breath was ragged...

'Of course I can... And I will...' Aayan replies huskily, and pulls her closer by holding her waist, continuing his sweet torture and Ananya bit her lips to stop the moan

'What if... Vansh Bhai...' she manages to say

'That Bull is snoring in his room, your parents and Ved are out, so I get you, all by myself...' Aayan grins and kisses her cheeks and she frowns

'How mean, he's my darling brother...' she says

'Ooo really, why didn't you stop your darling brother when he was beating me like a angry bull...' Aayan comments, and Ananya's eyes fill with tears hearing this..

She leaves him and starts sobbing, and seeing this Aayan gets worried

'No no no... I was joking... Please don't cry baby... It was a joke...' Aayan tries to comfort her, but this only makes her cry more..

'Ananya... Please...'

'I feel so bad, you had to go through all that... And even now, you are being tortured ! This is all because of me... You don't deserve this, I am so sorry....' she cries and Aayan embraces her in his arms and comforts her

'It's nothing Ananya... I can bear a lot more than this... And I love taking care of you, so it's not a punishment for me...' he says wiping her tears and kissing her head..

'Why aren't you protesting to any of that stupid atrocities that Bhai and Paa are doing to you... You don't have to buy our groceries or take care of those plants, Bhai doesn't even like plants, I don't know why he is making you do that....' She huffs and Aayan smiles

'Because the reward I am getting in the end, is worth all this...' Aayan says with utmost sincerity in his voice, and stares her, not breaking the eye contact

Ananya was speechless at this, all the doubts, insecurities, fears she had for Aayan and her relationship was slowly fading away, and Aayan's perseverance to make everything right, was assuring her that they did have a future together, that too a happy one...

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