❝letters❞ kth - angst

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every letter started with "dear kim taehyung"

and ended with "love, y/n"

whimpers was heard from the boy as he read every letter that was sent to him.

he asked himself, 'why didn't I read her letters before?' 'why didn't I listen to her explanation?' 'why did I leave her all alone, suffering?'

As soon as he started reading the last letter, he sobbed, as remembered the day he recieved it.

Familiar words were written in the piece of paper and droplets of tears that were coming from the boy's eyes were visible.

He regretted everything. He hated himself for being so selfish. He hated himself for not letting y/n explain.

He covered his mouth with his hand, trying to muffle his loud sobs as he remembered that day.


"Taehyung!" I turned around as I heard someone call me.

"eunha?" I asked, after recognizing the girl. It was y/n's sister. I rolled my eyes and asked, "what do you want now?"

"You must not care about her anymore tae but I just want to inform you..." she trailed off causing me to worry a bit.

She slowly shook her head and continued, "J-just go here" she stuttered and gave me a piece of paper.

I looked at her with curiosity but she just smiled sadly and walked away.

Anxiety overcame my whole being as I arrived at the adress eunha gave me.

It was a cemetary.

I slowly came inside, and as I did, a man around his 50's approached me.

"Are you possibly Kim Taehyung?" the man asked and I nodded, he then continued with "I'm the caretaker of this cemetary and a young girl named eunha had asked me to take you somewhere."

He seemed nice so I followed him.

As we arrived the place, it was infront a grave. The caretaker gave me and then left and I looked at the grave.

But as soon as I did, I fell on my knees.

Jung Y/n
Born: ________
Died: June 12, 2012

'No, that can't be' I thought.

I instantly opened the letter as I wanted to know what happened.

"Dear Kim Taehyung,

I know you don't read my letters, you even maybe throw them but I don't care, I just want to tell you that even after a year, I still love you. Even though you shouted at me that day, I don't care, because I still love you.

Also, I haven't really explained the whole situation to you yet, so let me explain. It was not me taehyung, I would never do that to you and I thought you knew that. He was going to rape me, and that memory still haunts me to this day. I was trying to fight back but he was too strong, good thing you came before he could go further. That day, I tried to explain but you only pushed me away, and told me that I'm a 'slut' and a 'whore', and that was like knives that continously stabbed me in the heart. You told me to go away, and I did as that was what you wanted.

I'm guessing my sister gave this to you when I'm already dead, right? And I'm guessing she didn't tell you why? Well, let me explain again, I've been diagnosed with brain cancer taehyung, and I was at my last stage. I was scared of telling because you might leave me. But I must admit, a part of me was happy that you started to hate me. Why? Because then you wouldn't be hurt anymore right?

Again, I love you taehyung, and I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for not telling you. I'm sorry for being a burden. I'm sorry for not being the best girlfriend and most of all, I'm sorry for still loving you. Remember that I'll still love you even though I'm gone already. Goodbye taehyung, I love you.


»present day«

It was hard for me, but I knew it was harder for y/n because I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most.

'I'm sorry y/n. I'm sorry for not staying by your side. I'm sorry for not listening to you. And I'm sorry for letting you suffer alone.'

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