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Edited 4-17-19


It was mostly a normal day. Or at least as normal as it does get in an apocalypse. It was just you Lawrence and Harry cleaning out the storage room. "Hey, Lawrence is this gonna be of use or should I just throw it out?" Harry asks holding up an old laundry bag with holes in it. "I think we should just keep it. Besides it's almost winter time it'll be good as an extra layer." Lawrence explains. "All right well, I'm going to take the junk we have outside," Harry says grabbing the box of junk.

"All right take Ethan with you." Lawrence says not looking up from the box he was going through. Harry gives him a weird attempt for a thumbs up and walks out leaving you and Lawrence alone. "Hey (Y/n)?" you jump hearing his voice directed at you. "S-sorry, wasn't expecting your voice, yes?" he looks at you and lets a minute of silence linger, trying to choose his words wisely. "Are you... are you scared of me?" You looked at him a bit shocked that he would ask that. "I mean a little bit yes bu-" He sighs and starts rambling. "I knew it. Look (Y/n), I know I'm intimidating and I might give off this 'certain' aurora but I would never hurt you. Never. I promise you that." You jump up. "Lawrence! You might have a bit of an anger problem but I don't think that you'd hurt me! It's just that I've been overly jumpy ever since the apocalypse started! Just think, normal 16-year-old thinking she's going to a normal day of school and continue her normal life and for that to disappear in seconds! I'm a 16-year-old girl going in a zombie apocalypse with 5 teenage boys and then basically watching some of my friends basically die in front of me. It's confusing and its done a lot to me. Lawrence, out of everyone here I trust you the most. I like you, like a lot."

Boy, the silence after that killed you. It was only a couple seconds but it felt like minutes. Finally, he spoke. "(Y/n) if I asked you out would you be okay with it?" You looked at him confused as to why he would ask. Apparently, he noticed your confusion cause he sounded annoyed that he to explain. "Cause I'm 18 and your 16. Age means a lot to a lot of people so it might be upsetting to some." You scoff "Lawrence 70% of the population is probably dead, what do I care what they think and I honestly don't mind. I might of before all this but now I don't. Now hurry up before I change my mind." He raises an eyebrow "Are you ordering me around." Now usually you would have laughed it off but you couldn't tell if he was kidding or deathly serious.


He didn't mean to confess at all. Well, he wanted to just not that exact moment so it was a total accident. You came into his room late at night because of a nightmare, you both relaxed with each other often so you always go to each other's room when in need. So obviously this wasn't the first time or out of the normal for you two. It was this last time though that something out of the normal happened. You came to his room late at night, laid next to him and all was ordinary until the next morning. You woke up to some amazing feeling, it took you a little bit to know the cause of the feeling because it was right when you woke up but soon realized it was Ethan running his fingers through your hair.

This caught you off guard cause not only was he awake first but he likes to stay away from too much physical contact unless needed or extremely wanted from you. Due to you not wanting the pleasurable feeling to stop you decided to keep pretending to be asleep and let him continue. "I wish I could say I love you but words are so hard." After a bit of silence you would turn around, surprising him and making him stop. You snuggle against him and hide your blushing face in his chest you would reply with "I love you too. But don't stop doing that." So you guys spent the rest of the morning looking at each other and him playing with your hair.


Harry gets brownie points for being a brave bastard. Not only did he mean to tell you, but he made it so you were comfortable with it first. You guys were on patrol and he brought up the question. "So (Y/n)... if I were to ask you out what would you say." You turned to him and smiled. "I would say, duh I've been waiting for you to ask forever! What's with the question Harry?" He then got on one knee grabbed your hand, slowly brought it to his mouth when you finally felt his lips touch your knuckles, you knew you were blushing hard already. When you thought he was gonna let go of your hand, he never did. He kept your hand there and you could see him smile from behind your hand, him looking deep into your eyes and you staring back into his amethyst eyes, never wanting to leave. You could quietly hear him say, "(Y/n), I love you, please be mine in this time of terror please be my one light in this world of darkness. Please make me smile when there's nothing to smile about, please let me have you, not as a possession but a quality, as a better part of myself." Of course, the answer wouldn't be anything other than yes.


You see, Zion is a boi that gets very jealous very fast. So when the guys tried to talk to you about stuff that had nothing to do with surviving Zion would always have an excuse to drag you and himself away. Of course, the excuse was always so stupid or obvious anyone would know that he was jealous.

Except you, you oblivious sh*t.

Zion was dragging you away from talking to Eugene and you were slightly annoyed. This was because you were in a good conversation about one of your old favorite tv series 'Gravity Falls' and this wasn't the first time he's taken you away from a decent conversation. Zion would then take you to his room and that's when things got awkward. "So is there a reason you took me away from any conversation I have with the squad?" You ask, he then rubs his neck and looks away. "If you want to talk, talk to me. You always want to have a conversation with them but never me, it pisses me off." At that moment you kinda pieced things together (Finally) and started to laugh hysterically for how jealous he was getting. You would then continue by wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek and trying to continue the conversation you were having with Eugene but Zion having no idea what you're talking about.


It was literally the most awkward thing ever. Literally, you wanted to take a shower and you felt really scared and didn't want to go alone for some reason. Of course your dumbass thought hey wouldn't it be genius if you asked your crush to come with you whilst you shower. Somehow you didn't realize how bad that sounded until you actually said it out loud... to him. You both just kinda looked at each other with both your faces getting redder and continuing to get redder with each passing second. After what seemed to be an eternity (but was realistically 7 seconds) you looked away from him and turned your head towards the ground giving a quick apology, rambling about how you were scared. "I-I'm sorry, I guess I should've thought about what I was saying. I sorta speak before I think and like I guess no thought process went into that other than 'hey I'm dirty and scared might as well ask someone I like to go with me'. IM NOT SAYING I LIKE YOU, well I like you a lot but, but... oh sour Satan why don't I ever think... Look I apol-" right when the word apologize left your mouth he grabbed a hold of your hand, squeezing your hand once in contact and pulled you towards the bathroom "Okay 1 learn when to stop talking. 2 I'll keep watch outside. You shouldn't apologize for being scared, apologize for being a dumbass." And even though he was turned away from you, you could still see the tips of his ears stained red. You smiled and gripped his hand you also blushing and whispered a "Thank you, Eugene."


Okay so I really hoped you liked it I worked really hard on it and had a lot of fun writing it (except for Eugene I mean it was fun but I literally had NO idea what to write for him) So if you have any requests don't be afraid to comment!

Random fact #1: A snail can sleep for three years

Words:1066 including A/N

Words after edit: 1098

Words after Editing the edit: 1507

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