+ character questions

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Now, this is something new I've been wanting to try our for a while now. Which is having a chapter where you guys ask me questions about either my OC or their story and I answer them for you so you get all the information you want!

So, please, ask all the questions you want about Sebastian. His backstory, his future with Paul, their plans for Paul's aging, his relationship with Rosalie, etc. You can even ask questions about how I came up with Sebastian's name, how old was Sebastian whenever he was turned, etc. 

The questions are limitless and I will ANSWER EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM with in depth answers and explanations. So, if you had any questions or just want to know little extras bits about Sebastian that weren't in his story or things that were hinted at, please ask down below!

No question is a bad question, and it'll mean the world to me if you ask it.

Thank you, and ask away !

Dancing Wolves ↠ Paul Lahote ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ