03 ; amongst the ceremony

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A long lean leg stuck out, slightly crooked at the knees and covered in a black Armani suit. It's host was fixing the cuff-links on his suit, a slight frown on his lips.

"Having some trouble?"

Lifting his head, Sebastian stared at his sister's reflection in the mirror. Rosalie's golden eyes were watching him struggle with a bit of amusement in them. However, Sebastian knew for a fact that his sister had to help his brother-in-law on many occasions button his cuff-links as well.

"Yes," Sebastian stated, lifting his arm in Rosalie's direction.

Stepping forwards, his sister snapped his cuff-link perfectly together. She gave the silky material of his suit a brief touch with her fingertips before pulling away. Rosalie glanced upwards, looking at his face, and then she opened her mouth.

"No," The male Hale in the room said, cutting off Rosalie's statement. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You'll have to talk about it sometime," Rosalie snapped, her mouth turning up in a snarl that reminded Sebastian of their human mother.

"There's nothing to talk about," Sebastian insisted, fingers aimlessly playing with the architecture pencils on his desk. His voice said the lie flawlessly, a life-skill he'd master a long time ago.

However, his sister wasn't a fool. Rosalie's eyes squinted at him in annoyance, golden pupils flashing in his direction. "A wolf imprinted on you," She said these words carefully, "A male nonetheless. I'd say we have a few things to talk about."

When Sebastian didn't reply, and continued to play with the black pens on his desk, Rosalie let out a snarl from deep in her throat. "Sebastian, this isn't something I can just forget,"

"That sounds like a 'you' problem Rosie," Was Sebastian's reply, before it was being complimented with a flash of perfect white teeth.

"Don't 'Rosie' me," Rosalie hissed, fists clenching by her sides. She opened her mouth once more, no words coming out for a few moments before she was turning away from him. Her purple dress swishing at her ankles, as she stalked from his bedroom with loud clacking heels.

"Why is Rose worked up?" This was Emmett's voice now from the doorway.

Sebastian glanced upwards at the curly haired male, seeing that they were in similar styled suits. Emmett's thumb was pointing behind himself in the direction Rosalie had went with a curious look on his face.

"I didn't indulge in her choice of conversation," Sebastian supplied, and Emmett made a humming sound that stated he knew what the conversation happened to be.

"She's just worried," Emmett said, stepping into Sebastian's bedroom. The burly male grabbed the nearest knick-knack from the shelf in Sebastian's room, before placing it back. "We both know her worry showcases itself in anger."

It was for that reason, Sebastian cherished Emmett. Though Sebastian loved Rosalie more than anything in the world, there were times when Sebastian had wished for a brother. Someone who could understand the male psyche.

When Emmett was carried, quiet literally, into their lives by Rosalie, Sebastian had hissed the males presence every chance he'd gotten. Emmett had sensed Sebastian's distaste for him instantly, despite Rosalie's summary of why Sebastian detested men, despite being one himself.

It had taken months for Sebastian to even stand the presence of Edward in a room with him, and adding Emmett to the male population in the family made the oldest Hale sibling feel trapped in his own misandry.

While Sebastian had detested Edward, the other boy had been able to understand that it wasn't Edward's personality Sebastian was repulsed by, but his gender. Thankfully, Edward had been able to see Sebastian's thoughts and had left the room whenever the Hale brother had been too overwhelmed.

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