14 ; according to plan

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"Surely an anaconda would offer a good fight,"

Sebastian rose an eyebrow from where was perched civilly on the couch. His arms filled with Renesmee's sleep warm body. Her overgrown legs thrown over his right arm, while his left arm cupped her head steadily, rocking her gently back and forth.

Beside him, legs tucked underneath himself in a criss-cross position was Paul. Whom of which was reading passages from Sebastian's well-loved law textbook. Not because he was studying, but because he found all of the legal jargon amusing.

"Cold blooded," Jasper reasoned with Emmett, frowning faintly.

Emmett seemed to consider this, "I wouldn't hunt it for the meal, but for the experience,"

"Both of you are insane," This was Rosalie, whom of which was at a nearby table, working on placing together a puzzle. It was a large puzzle, 18,000 pieces in total, and it had taken over the entirety of Esme's craft table with it's construction.

Emmett shot Rosalie a smirk, amused with Rosalie's attitude while other would've been riffed. "You cannot tell me it wouldn't be an experience Rose,"

Instead of answering, Rosalie simply just rolled her eyes, a smirk working onto her lips which she hid with a well placed hand as she turned back towards her puzzle. Sebastian just grinned at her, before looking back down at Renesmee in his arms.

The tiny female was breathing softly, chest rising and falling gently, as her tiny lips moved as if she was speaking in her sleep. Bronze curls were scattered around the top of her head like a halo, looking very much like her father's daughter in that moment. However, Sebastian's favorite part was the tiny fist Renesmee had curled around the fabric of Sebastian's shirt, as if holding him in place. Like he would try and go anywhere.

"I give up," Paul spoke, closing the book softly as to not wake Renesmee beside him.

Sebastian spared the wolf a glance, blonde eyebrow arching, "The words too big for you?"

Paul snorted, rolling his eyes much like Rosalie had before, amused despite himself. "Not just anyone can read for eight hours at a time without their brain feeling fried,"

"Excuses," Sebastian replied swiftly, bouncing Renesmee in his arms subtly whenever she snuffled in her sleep, waiting for her to settle before speaking once more. "Don't worry, I'll give you my notes the next time you decide to try and read something above your reading level."

"You both are nauseating," This was Emmett who spoke.

Lifting his head, Sebastian caught the cringe Emmett was producing on his face, curls bouncing as his mock shivered in disgust. Beside him, Jasper was stifling a laugh with his knuckles over his obviously grinning lips.

"When did that happen anyways?" Rosalie asked, peering once more away from her puzzle. She motioned a manicured finger in between Sebastian and Paul's bodies on the couch. Turning her head faintly to the side, her blonde braid falling onto her shoulder with the motion.

"You didn't hear it?" Emmett's question was crude, and it made Sebastian snarl. Embarrassment and a bit of shame falling cold in the pit of his stomach at the thought of his entire family hearing his and Paul's coupling.

"Would it kill you to show some subtlety?" Sebastian growled, and Paul must've sensed an argument because he was swift in taking Renesmee from Sebastian's lap, carefully uncurling her fingers from Sebastian's designer Polo shirt.

Emmett just gave Sebastian a flat look, "You've known me for how long now? Sebastian --"

"Don't speak if you aren't going to say something intellectual," Sebastian replied curtly, cutting Emmett off completely. He waved a dismissive hand at Emmett's surprised face, unknowingly copying one of his birth father's mannerisms by doing so.

Dancing Wolves ↠ Paul Lahote ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें