17 ; gathered together to die

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Sebastian found with the flight back to Washington that something new had settled in between himself and Paul.

Despite what Sebastian had initially thought, it wasn't a looming darkness that was just waiting to strike downwards, but it was, in fact, almost an airy brightness that was shed upon their shoulders. Letting them view one another in a light that they hadn't ever seen one another in before.

"Do you think they'll keep their word?" Paul asked, tucked tightly in a first class plane seat. He was sipping on a glass of apple juice, which had been poured into in a champagne flute. A stupid request, which had earned him a snotty look from one of the flight attendants, who only did as she was told because of Sebastian's heavy glare set on her back the entire time.

"My kind is fairly good at keeping their promises," Sebastian replied, twirling his phone in his hands, even though it was shut-off after he'd told Rosalie he and Paul were on their way back. "But there's always a possibility. It would be better if they showed their cowardice now and not on the battle field after everything's already begun."

"So you think there's going to be a battle?" Was Paul's next question, russet colored hand placing his flute of apple juice on the pull-out tray provided in front of him. He turned his body so it fully faced Sebastian now, brown eyes faintly widened. "What happened to just witnessing? Did Rose tell you something while we were away?"

"Of course not," Sebastian replied, and in an act he wouldn't have ever done before these last two days, he clasped his hand with Paul's in the wolf's lap. Paul instantly interlacing their fingers, still watching as Sebastian spoke with a soft voice so no one would overhear. "But if we were to think logically, the Volturi aren't going to bring the entirety of their Guard out just to be stopped by something like evidence and witnesses. They'll find something else entirely to pin to Carlisle. Most likely our alliance with the wolves will be brought up as a substitute in order to invoke their idea of proper punishment."

"They'd do that?" Paul asked, a frown working onto his handsome features.

"They've done worse for far less," Sebastian replied, shaking his head faintly.

Unlike the others in his family, whom of which were trying to keep a positive outlook on Alice and Jasper's departure, Sebastian had chosen - unsurprisingly - the pessimistic, realistic angle. Hence, why Sebastian was ready to face whatever downfall they would fly back to in Forks. It was better to know you were going to die than to be ignorant to the possibility of it.

"The wolves will still fight regardless," Paul replied, squeezing Sebastian's hand. Dark tendrils of hair fell onto his forehead, shading his dark eyes. "Once we agree to something we stick with it."

"Your kind is admirably bound that way," Sebastian replied, giving a faint uptick of his lips as Paul stretched out in his chair, hand still holding tightly onto Sebastian's. "Always making sure that none of you get harmed."

"I don't know," Paul said after a moment, head lolled faintly to the armrest of his seat so he could still look at Sebastian. He was already getting tired, eyelids drooping, Sebastian could tell. "When I first learned about vampires, I was told so many horror stories. Mostly by the elders. As a child, I believed them, and grew up thinking those views applied to every vampire I'd ever meet. Your family, and well...you, changed that mindset. Even Sam has admitted that, albeit very reluctantly. Your family's passion, drive, and compassion to always trying to better the life you were settled with. It's much like a wolf pack. None of us chose to be wolves, just like none of your family members would've chosen to be a vampire if their wasn't any other choice, but we've all made something out of it. Created a life worth fighting for."

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