11 ; finally giving in

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[futile devices (doveman remix) by sufjan stevens is paul and sebastian's song]

"Do you have any idea what danger you've put him in?"

Bella's voice was shrill through the wooden back door, her temper flaring as she seemed to be yelling at Jacob. The wolf quickly trying to defend himself with a mediocre excuse - and Sebastian turned away from the conversation.

On his lap was Renesmee, whom of which was happily playing with a plastic ball in her hand, squeezing it gently as she stared at a football game Emmett was playing on the T.V. Sebastian could see her eyes watching the players absentmindedly, seeming to understand which team Emmett preferred since every time the white and blue team scored - Renesmee's tiny hands were clapping together in a lazy attempt to copy Emmett's loud cheers in the living room.

Rosalie was on a nearby couch, reading a medical textbook in her lap which Carlisle had given her a few weeks ago whenever Rosalie had sought to going back to college to finish her pending medical degree. Sebastian stared at his sister for a moment, seeing the creases in between her eyebrows as she thought of the new information - but then his eyes caught sight of something in the window behind Rosalie's lounging body.

A wolf appeared, one which Sebastian instantly recognized as Paul, yet there was a new face with him. A dark haired female, with hair that was reaching down towards her waist; she seemed at ease with the male werewolf in a way that spoke of a shared history together. It was a thought that made Sebastian frown.

"What's wrong?" Rosalie asked, lifting her head to meet Sebastian's golden eyes with her own curious gaze. How Rosalie always knew whenever something was bothering him, Sebastian had yet to find out. Sibling telepathy, possibly.

When Sebastian didn't answer right away, Rosalie searched for the answer herself, turning to follow his line of sight out of the tempered glass window and towards the sight of a phasing Paul. The girl with Paul didn't seem thrown by his nudity, but instead had seemed to laugh whenever Paul rushed to place on his stupid jean shorts again. Sebastian's jaw tightened, and beside him Emmett snickered.

At the sound, Sebastian snapped his head towards his brother-in-law. "What?"

Emmett gave him wide innocent eyes, curls bouncing on his forehead. "What?"

The repetition of the conversation grated on Sebastian's nerves. "What was that sound for?"

Golden eyes flashed towards Rosalie's behind Sebastian's shoulder before landing back in touch with Sebastian's again. Emmett gave a tight smile, "I was just expressing a brief amusement to you staring at Paul naked is all."

"Paul naked isn't a new sight for me," Sebastian spoke promptly, and he knew if they were able, his cheeks would be pink in color. However, his eyes must've given him away because Emmett's smile grew wider, so wide, his dimples peeked out.

"Oh I know. Or more so, heard is the proper term," Emmett leered, wiggling his eyebrows, seeming to delight in Sebastian's horror. But Emmett barreled onwards, because that was what he did best. "But to add on to my later statement -- I was saying it caused a bit of amusement from me with you watching Paul being naked...with a unknown female close by."

"Unknown female?" This was Seth, whom of which was entering the living room from being stationed at the kitchen, a sandwich no doubt made by Esme in his hand. Despite the fact that he was already biting into another one. Esme loved having someone to stuff with her cooking.

Unlike with Jacob, Rosalie's entire body softened in Seth's presence, and Sebastian knew it was because Seth reminded her so much of Renesmee in a way. With the childish demeanor, the soft intelligence, and the big brown eyes they both adorned helped in making it hard to differentiate them. "Outside of the window. Do you know the female?"

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