13 ; the merchant of venice

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Sunlight bled through the curtains as Esme opened them, letting light into the living room, basking it in a warm winter glow.

On the couch, Sebastian hissed, raising a hand to cover his eyes from the onslaught of light. Skin sending iridescent reflections upon the walls, that twirled as Sebastian placed his hand back down onto his lap, long fingers pressed into the pages of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Esme shot him a brief grin over her shoulder, bronze bangs falling into her eyes. "It's midday darling, it was about time I opened the blinds. Especially since Renesmee will enjoy seeing the snow."

Sebastian was aware of this, since the white powder on the ground was all the small female could rattle on about since she had learned to converse. The amount of times Sebastian has had Emmett sneakily bring their niece in from outside so she could shove snow into Sebastian's unsuspecting face is countless.

Yet, Sebastian never finds it in himself to be bitter. There were very little things that could bring Renesmee, with her quickly progressing mind and rapidly growing body, overwhelming childhood joy. Hence, why Esme catered to Renesmee's every whim to always see the snow whenever she woke up from her afternoon nap.

As if summoned by his thoughts, Renesmee's teetering feet pounded against the wooden flooring. Behind her, Sebastian could hear Bella telling Renesmee to slow down but the bronze haired female was in her own world. Not bothering to even greet Sebastian nor Esme as she pressed her upturned nose against the ceiling-to-floor window in order to see the white ground outside.

"Renesmee," Bella stated, standing in the living room's doorway, holding a fluffy coat in her ivory hand. She was watching her daughter with fond, newly honey gold eyes. Bella, like everyone else, enjoyed that Renesmee could be so excited about something so trivial.

"Mama," Renesmee chirped, removing her eyes from the snow to look at Bella. She pointed a chubby finger, stating as if they didn't already know, "I want to go outside."

Bella lifted the coat that was gripped in her hand, "I know you do, but you have to keep warm. Come put this on,"

Like a shot, Renesmee was letting Bella help in putting her arms through the proper holes of the coat. It was only then that Renesmee seemed to notice that Esme and Sebastian were in the room, and Renesmee's smile grew wider.

"Grandma Esme, will you come outside and play?" She asked, and Sebastian saw the moment that Esme's entire body melted at her granddaughter's words. Yet, Sebastian knew Esme detested the snow - one of the only few things in the world that Esme couldn't stand even if it meant making her granddaughter happy.

"Not today darling," Esme replied, giving Renesmee a gentle smile. "It's too chilly for me."

No one mentioned how Esme couldn't possibly feel cold with her already nonexistent body temperature. There had to be a few loopholes they could jump through whenever it came to Renesmee and her boundless energy.

Getting the hint, Bella finished buttoning Renesmee's coat. "Why don't you ask Uncle Seb?"

Nose crinkling at the nickname, Sebastian watched as Renesmee moved in his direction. Inelegantly climbing onto his lap, tiny foot kicking the book Sebastian was reading from his lap so she could take it's place. Her brown eyes, so effortlessly endearing, peered up at him from underneath thick lashes. "Uncle Seb, can you play in the snow with me?"

Sebastian shot Bella a glare, to which she just shot back a wry grin. Not to be ignored, however, Renesmee placed a hand onto Sebastian's cheek and asked the same question from before again inside of his head. Sebastian felt his chest warm, and he nodded. "Only for fifteen minutes, I have other duties to attend to."

Dancing Wolves ↠ Paul Lahote ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang