06 ; the wolves break away

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It was quiet in the Cullen household as Sebastian pondered his next move in chess against Jasper. Whom of which was grinning in the chair before him, blonde hair pulled back into a bun at the base of his neck.

In the next room Sebastian could hear Bella's sluggish heart and Rosalie's comforting whispers. His sister was playing nurse beautifully, and Sebastian had to give her credit for it. Mostly because Sebastian knew it pissed Edward off to no end. Even if the male was currently looking at his wife and adoptive sister with a blank stare.

"Make a move already," Jasper encouraged, giving Sebastian a flat look over the board.

"Don't rush me," Sebastian tutted, hovering a snowy hand over the board. He went for the Pawn piece in time to see Alice enter the room.

"I wouldn't if I were you," Alice intoned, cocking her head to where Sebastian's fingers rested on the top of the chess piece.

Grinning, Sebastian grabbed the other Pawn and moved it forwards. At this, Alice hummed happily, manicured fingers tapping against the fashion magazine in her hand.

"That is cheating darlin'," Jasper said, turning his head slightly in his mate's direction. The endearment ensnared in a southern accent.

Alice moved towards the empath, pressing a kiss against his cheek. "You're going to win anyway."

"Oh c'mon." Sebastian whined indignantly, lifting his arms in an outraged motion as Jasper chuckled in the seat across from him.

It was a strange expression on Sebastian's usually stoic brother, especially in the wake of Bella's pregnancy. This was the first time Sebastian had caught a somewhat happy expression on Jasper's face since Edward and Bella's wedding.

In the other room, Bella coughed viciously. Rosalie was fretting, her worry for the human seeming to spike, if the fall in Jasper's expression was any indication. Sebastian took this time to clear off the bored, not willing to play a game he was going to loose anyways.

Once the board was cleaned, Sebastian entered the living room Bella was stationed in. The brunette was shivering softly in her spot on the couch, bulging belly looking obscene. Sebastian had to work hard not to stare at the sight and focused on his sister instead.

"This cannot go on for much longer," He said, watching as Rosalie's gaze drifted away from Bella and towards him. Her golden stare was strangely icy despite being a warm color.

"She wants the child," Rosalie stated and that was it of her argument. She didn't need anything else.

"Has Charlie called about Bella's whereabouts?" Sebastian chose to ask, knowing that stating the obvious wouldn't get anywhere with his stubborn sibling. It was a strong Hale trait. Unreasonably stubborn, like a bull.

"Carlisle is talking to him right now. Something about Bella catching a bug and having to extend their trip until she is feeling better." The blonde answered, relaxing in the loveseat by Bella's couch, watching carefully as the human began to fall asleep.

"Mmm," Was all Sebastian said, and he placed his hands behind his back. He straightened to his full height, shoulders rolled back like he was about to give a speech. In reality, Sebastian was thinking, trying to find another way to keep Bella's pregnancy hidden from her father.

Before he could think of anything else, Carlisle entered the room. He gave the two Hale siblings a look, followed by a brief sigh. Carlisle hated lying to anyone, especially to someone he respected like Charlie Swan. His boundless compassion, in Sebastian's opinion, was what made Carlisle weak.

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