19 ; the two survivors

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Warm light flooded into the expanse of Sebastian's bedroom as he entered through the door, holding a stack of pre-made waffles with syrup, that Esme had made for him to deliver to Paul. Whom of which was still laying in aforementioned bed, a mess of tousled black hair the only thing visible over the edge of the white covers.

Holding a breakfast tray with one hand, Sebastian shut the door with his other, trying to not wake up Paul with the noise that was erupting outside. Brought on by the unexpected and unsolicited help of the Romanian's, Stefan and Vladimir. 

"I can feel that you're watching me," This was Paul's voice, groggy with sleep. The sound pulling a shiver from deep within Sebastian's body. Yet, as he made his way towards the bed, Paul removed the covers from his head and peered at Sebastian with sleep-fogged brown eyes.

Sebastian was quick to place the tray onto the nightstand, and he watched as Paul perked upwards at the familiar smell of food. Sebastian held back an amused snort, "Esme went overboard with the cooking again. She told me to bring some to you,"

Paul hummed softly underneath his breath, making a hand motion towards the food. As Paul sat upwards in the confines of Sebastian's king-sized bed, Sebastian placed the tray across his lap and sat at the edge of the bed, a foot tucked underneath himself.

Amidst the silence, albeit comfortable, Paul spared Sebastian a look over a piece of buttered toast. Dark eyes scanning Sebastian's face once before he was asking around a mouthful of food, "What's wrong? You seem upset,"

There was something in the air, Sebastian supposed was the best way to describe it. Something that was making him feeling nostalgic for a moment that hadn't happened yet. It was a strange feeling to have, given that everything seemed to be looking up regardless of the circumstances.

"I don't know," Sebastian replied slowly, this being the first moment that he could remember that he had nothing to say. He dusted the blonde hair from his forehead, and frowned softly to himself. He could feel Paul's eyes still watching him, burningly worried now, so he added in a whispered afterthought, "I have no answer to give you."

Breakfast forgotten, Paul pursed his lips whenever Sebastian met his eyes. The wolf was once again watching Sebastian's face, as if that would give him all the answers. Yet, judging by the still puzzled expression the dark haired male wore, he was having just as much luck as Sebastian was in trying to dissect his emotions.

"I'm sure it's just the stress getting to me," Sebastian replied, standing upwards and feeling a small well of panic develop in a crevice of his chest. Something he hadn't felt in a long while. At once he stood, and when he saw Paul move to stand as well, he shook his head. "No, no, you stay here and eat your breakfast. I think I need to go hunt or something."

"Seb-" Paul began, already shaking his head. 

"Please, I'll see you when I return," Sebastian insisted, lifting a hand to stop Paul's movements and stepped backwards from the room, not giving Paul enough time to counter his argument before closing the door altogether. He knew it was a coward's move, but he couldn't stand the look in Paul's eyes.

"Bastian'?" This was Tanya's voice, high-pitched and reedy but no less enchanting. 

Looking upwards from the door, where his hand still rested on the golden handle, Sebastian placed a strained smile onto his face. Meeting Tanya's eyes, whom of which was peeking over the side of the wall into the hallway where he stood, blonde bangs falling into her golden eyes. 

"Yes? Do you need something?" Sebastian asked, removing his hand from the handle of the door and moving towards the Denali's direction. 

Tanya frowned deeply, crinkles forming in between her eyebrows. "You seem frazzled,"

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