05 ; facts

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As someone who could sense and smell everything, Sebastian hated airports.

Despite this, Rosalie had forced him to enter the airport alongside her. Given that the plan they'd been trying to hide for the past few hours since Sebastian had made it back from the reservation was now underway.

"It never gets better." Emmett muttered beside him, arms crossed over his chest.

Sebastian nodded at his brother-in-law. He wasn't in the mood for speaking, just wanting to focus on getting Bella as far away from Edward as possible. He just hoped that it didn't resort in violence, especially with humans present.

A few moments of waiting, Sebastian caught Bella's strong scent. Even amongst the others it was still stronger than anything else Sebastian had smelt before.

Edward emerged first, his face set in a grim line. His body was coiled with anger, tightly held back from snapping. Bella followed after him, body soft and fragile as she tried to keep herself away from her husband's line of vision.

Choosing to move quickly, Rosalie placed herself by Bella's side. Her body shielding around Bella, whispering something to the human girl about her well-being.

A snarl tore from Edward's throat as he caught Rosalie's thoughts, his black eyes flaring angrily. He reminded Sebastian of a bull, filled with hatred, a barely controlled disaster.

"Edward-" Carlisle was trying to be soothing, but Edward was against reasoning.

Once Edward moved to step towards Rosalie, Sebastian stepped into his line of vision. He glared heatedly at Edward, daring him to try and advance on the females behind him. He may not like Bella, but Rosalie did at the moment, and that was enough to secure her safety.

"Move," Edward growled, more animalistic than Sebastian had ever heard him.

Flicking an eyebrow upwards, unimpressed, Sebastian taunted, "Make me."

"Boys," This was Esme's voice, who had accompanied them just to provide support for the couple. Her voice was stern, disapproval coloring her tone. "Not here. Not with people watching."

Slowly, Edward turned away, eyes still burning with rage. Sebastian waited for a few moments, before looking over his shoulder towards Rosalie and Bella. The human was cowering slightly behind Rosalie, heart pumping fluidly in alarm.

"Thanks." Rosalie said, her hand tangled with Bella's. She gave Sebastian a small smile, moving with the rest of their family, but making sure to stay behind the guard that Sebastian had made for them with his body.

Thankfully, they decided to take two cars to the airport. Rosalie escorted Bella to Emmett's Jeep, while the burly male helped place her safely into the car. Sebastian was watching to make sure that Edward didn't get close, but by the grip Esme had on his arm, he wasn't getting very far.

Sliding into the passenger seat, Sebastian angled himself to be able to look in the back of the Jeep if he needed to. Emmett took the driver's seat, turning on the engine before pulling away with Rosalie and Bella huddled in the back.

"Thank you," Bella murmured after a few seconds.

It took Sebastian a few moments to realize that she was talking to him and not Rosalie. He tensed slightly, but spared her a glance over the shoulder. "You don't need to thank me."

"I know- I just...." Bella trailed off, lips pressing tightly together.

The ride back to Forks was silent, filled with some random songs on the radio. Every so often Rosalie would murmur if Bella was alright, and the human always replied with the affirmative.

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