Chapter 15: Cheers

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"Hold on, how do you expect us to believe you're an angel? Don't angels live in Heaven or something?" I was seriously confused.
"Awww, Moosie, you're so adorable when you're confused." Gabriel said, taking his lollipop out of his mouth and extending it towards me. "Wanna lick?" He smiled up at me, batting his eyelashes.
"Uh no thanks Gabriel. Seriously though. How?"
Gabriel let out a sigh and threw himself on out bed next to Nico. Looking up at me and grinning, he placed his hand on Nico's shoulder and... PULLED THE NAIL OUT?!
"Hey!!! Don't—"
I started to run over, but stopped mid-run when I noticed it wasn't bleeding. That was odd. It became even odder when Nico suddenly bolted upright. I may or may not have tripped over my feet out of surprise leading to snickers from Dean and exuberant laughter from Gabriel, both of whom got a glare as I tried to cover up my burning face. Unsuccessfully, though, as I noticed Gabriel's wink and obnoxious swirling of his tongue around the top of his sucker, making me blush even more.

"Aaaaaahhhhh WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!" Nico screamed, backing away and falling off the bed, a few dead soldiers popping up.
"Awww Neeky, so adorable." Gabriel cooned, lollipop in hand.
"I'm the archangel Gabriel, no I'm not the one who kidnapped you, yes I'm the one who healed you... no I'm not a dwarf. Wait. Why would I be a dwarf??? Neeky how could you think such things of me? I'm hurt." Gabriel said, feigning hurt with a hand over his heart. Nico's eyes went wide.
"I was not expecting an archangel to be so... childish. But thanks for the healing." Nico said, standing back on his feet.
"Yea so he's here because Castiel is his brother and he's looking for him or something like that." Dean said. Gabriel nodded, "that about sums it up. Also I can totally get you all to where he is once you figure that out."
"Oh, speaking of which," I interrupted, "I think I've narrowed it down to two different warehouses."
"Awww yay Sammy! I always knew you could do it!" Gabriel squealed, jumping on my front and clinging to me like a koala.
"Um... Gabriel?"
"Yes, Samantha?"
"Why are you on me?"
"Because you're like a giant tree. Perfect for climbing. Wanna lick yet?" He answered, pulling his hand from around my back and waving his lollipop in my face.
"No, thanks. However, I think we could use some transportation to these warehouses to check them out." I said, unhinging the little angel from my waist and setting him down on the bed.
"Riiight. Where to?"
I gave him the address and he told us to hold on, then suddenly we were in front of a old, rundown building. I looked around, Gabriel was about ten meters away, leaning on a fence and sucking on his lollipop. When he noticed me looking, he winked and put the entire thing in his mouth, stick included, and pulled it out slowly. I shook my head, blushing like crazy. Why the hell was this angel being so flirtatious. I thought angels were supposed to be like pure and stuff. Gabriel started laughing.

"Pure" he snickered. "You're hilarious. This is why I love you, Moosie." Ah shit. I must have said that out loud. I felt my face burn again, the blush no doubt already staining my cheeks intensifying.

I raised my eyebrows. Did I wanna ask? Nah, I was too afraid of the answer.

"Well, if you two are done flirting I'd like to check this place out." Dean said, getting his stuff out of the car that Gabriel had somehow dragged with us.

"Woah, Dean! I never knew you had all this cool stuff in here! You're the best brother ever." Nico exclaimed, looking into the Impala's trunk. Dean smirked, "Hell yea I am!" Nico went through the stuff asking various questions like why we had salt and things like that, Dean answering every one. I was glad he was getting along with Nico just as I was with my new siblings. I turned to Gabriel, "So... are we going in?"

"Aw Sammy we're a we now! Yay! Things are moving so much faster than I expected!" Gabriel exclaimed, giving me a hug. I rolled my eyes. "Gabriel, get off. Are you going in or not?"

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