Chapter 8: What in the Underworld?

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The air returned to my lungs and I opened my eyes, now lying under a set of stairs. Well, that didn't go as bad as I had thought it would. From above me I heard a voice call out
"Dean? Dean where'd you go?"
"Uh down here. I can hear you above me." I replied faintly. That jump had me tired. A small head appeared from the edge of the stairs, smiling.
" least you made it over here. You had me a bit worried. For a second I thought that you had disappeared somewhere completely different."
"Nah. Just a bit... below the target. And quite frankly I would love to just sleep right here."
"Well we have class so get up. Greek doesn't wait for you."
I rolled my eyes and dragged myself out from under the stairs.
"I can't even read English and you think I'm gonna be able to read Greek? Yea, right."
He just smirked and told me to hurry up, walking in and letting the door close behind him. I finally stood up and drudged up the stairs. When I walked in, expecting to see some more kids like Nico and Percy, all I saw was Nico and Percy. I looked around, confused.
"Nico I thought you said this was three cabins combined?!"
"Yea, this is. Welcome to the class of the Big Three." Percy smiled and offered me a seat next to him. I shook my head, declining the seat and moved to the back. Front rows were never my spot. When the door opened and the girl I had seen Percy with earlier walked in, my confusion only grew. When she walked to the board and began writing in Ancient Greek (or what I had assumed was Ancient Greek) I finally just asked "okay I'm confused what's going on."
Percy replied, "Oh yea... well this is Annabeth and she's head of the Athena cabin so she teaches the Ancient Greek Class. Generally the heads of the cabins teach while everyone else goes to class, but we, Nico and I, are the only people in our cabin so we teach during the week and learn on the weekends."
"Uh...right. Oh and by the way I'm dyslexic so I probably won't be able to keep up here. Just letting you all know." Nico smiled again and Annabeths hand froze on the board and Percy just roared in laughter.
"Man, there's hardly any demigod who isn't dyslexic. I think the only one I've ever met that isn't dyslexic is the kid of Hypnos. Probably because he doesn't read anyways."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
"Wait. So she's dyslexic and she's teaching a language class?"
Annabeth turned around.
"Well duh. We are dyslexic because our brains aren't hard wired for English. They're hard wired for Ancient Greek. Now just pay attention and shut up so I can teach."
With that, I shut my mouth. I closed my eyes because I wasn't a demigod and so I probably wouldn't be able to read it even though I'm dyslexic. This class is gonna be boring.
About five minutes later, I opened my eyes and read part of Odysseus on the bored.
"Guys, why is Odysseus on the bored? I thought we were in Greek, not English or mythology or something."
"Dean, man, we are in Greek. That's written in Greek." Percy stared at me.
"Wait what? No it's not. I can actually read it so no freaking way. I don't know Ancient Greek."
Percy gawked. Annabeth turned around again.
"Well congrats, you're probably a demigod. Now will you shut up and listen to my class."
Percy turned back to the front and I did the same, both of us closing our mouths.
My mind was racing. Was I actually a demigod? If so who was my parent? Were Sam and I even related at all? Who were my new siblings? Did I have any cool abilities? Man, I was just lost. The entire rest of the class I payed rapt attention. It was actually kinda cool to be good at something in school for once.

When class finished, I just shadow traveled to the dark clearing. It took a lot of energy, but I made it. I sat on my rock and tried to think, tried to sort out what had just happened but within a minute of attempted thinking, I passed out.

When I woke the sun was overhead and I could hear everyone at the dining tables eating lunch. I dragged myself off of the ground and groaned. Gods I was so exhausted, why was I so exhausted? I dragged my feet all the way to the dining area, knowing food would help my energy, but found myself not wanting to walk back across camp. I thought for a few seconds, wondering if I could muster the strength to shadow-travel over there to Sam's table and eat something to restore my energy before I passed out. Eventually, I decided to go for it. You only get better by doing, right? I took a deep breath in, felt my lungs collapse and the darkness surround me and the next time I opened my eyes I was literally on top of my brother and the Apollo kids were screaming. Their next reaction, however, was to stare with fear. I was seriously freaking confused. I mean I tend to scare people but if shadow-travel was something everyone could do, then why was it so surprising?

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