Chapter 10: Panic at the Roadside

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~Sam's POV~

Classes had just ended for the day as it was now just after lunch. That meant we had free time. I decided that Dean could probably use the company and support so I said goodbye to the rest of the Apollo kids and walked over to the Hades cabin. I assumed Dean was in there as I hadn't seen him come out of there all day since he went in. Honestly, it was starting to worry me. He only stays away from me this long when he wasn't feeling well or he was in trouble... or he was at a bar somewhere. I knocked on the obsidian door, noticing the green flames shrink in my presence. No one answered.
"Hey, Dean. It's Sam. Can we talk?"
Still no answer. Now I was really worrying. Normally I would get some kind of answer whether it was him cursing me out, chucking something at the door or an actual answer. I tried the door, but it was locked and burned when I touched it and seemed to drain my energy. I turned around to see if I could find Percy or Annabeth. They seemed like they knew how to handle abstract situations.

On my way to the Poseidon cabin, I ran straight into Percy and he stumbled back.
"Oh hey Sam. How are you? You liking camp? The Apollo kids nice enough?"
"Er yea. I uh... I think Dean might be in trouble. He's not answering me when I knock on his cabin which is very unusual for him. I haven't seen him leave it all day, though. So there's something going on, I'm sure of it. I tried to open the door, but it burned me and seemed to drain my energy."
"Yea, the Hades cabin is pretty scary. The handles and all entrances will start to literally kill you if you try to enter without the permission of a child of Hades or Hades himself."
"So... how do we know if he's in there?"
"Follow me. Chiron has permission to enter. I'm sure he can figure out what's going on."

I followed Percy to the Big House and waited impatiently for the door to open. Eventually, the door opened and Chiron appeared.
"Again, Percy? What is it?"
"Uh Dean is not talking to Sam or answering his door or anything. Sam's really worried because apparently Dean always answers to Sam. We thought maybe you could go check up on him as neither of us can get in the cabin without permission." Percy looked at him hopefully and I too gave him a look of concern. Chiron sighed and began walking to the cabin with Percy and I at his heels. Reaching the cabin, Chiron told us to look the other way as to respect their privacy and we did so. I heard the door open and close, Chiron's hooves sounding as he walked inside.

Percy and I waited outside and I was growing anxious. A few minutes later, Chiron came out with a grim look on his face, shaking his head.
"They're gone. No sign of them. Honestly, they could be anywhere based on Nico's shadow-travelling abilities. He could easily take Dean with him somewhere if he pleased."
"Who's Nico?" I asked.
"The only other child of Hades. Usually wears black, combat books, a beanie, carries a sword sometimes." Percy described the boy to me.
"Oh, you mean the one that talked to Dean and surrounded them in darkness and then just disappeared?"
"That's probably him." Chiron said. "And the disappearing thing is one of his powers. It's called shadow-travelling. It takes a long time to master, but it's very useful."
"But... I saw Dean do it. In fact that's what he had just done before he was claimed. He had suddenly appeared on the shadow in my lap and then the helm of darkness shone above him and Nico showed up and they both vanished." Chiron and Percy shared looks with each other.
"Guys, what's going on?"
"Your brother must be more powerful than we thought, even for a child of the Big Three. To have discovered and be able to use shadow-travel already..." Chiron sighed and looked at Percy. "We must find them. Two children of Hades walking about on their own... this could get very bad."
Percy nodded at Chiron's words.
"But how do we find them?" Percy asked just as Chiron got a message that an Iris message was trying to be sent to him. He accepted the message and, to his surprise, found Nico staring back at him.
"Nico. What's going on?"
"Chiron. Dean and I are somewhere between camp and Brooklyn. Our bus broke down and we are being attacked. One of the things just threw Dean 35 meters. I think we will be fine, just wanted to let you know what's going on. We just need to protect the mortals. I've gotta run and help Dean before the monsters figure me out. Peace." Nico waved his hand through the mist and his image disappeared.
"Uh... what was that? How did he just contact you? And what's going on? Where are they?" I asked.
"Iris message. They're on a bus on the way back here and we're attacked by some monsters. Nico said not to worry, that they've got it under control. Although it looked a bit hectic out there. Sam, Dean has a cell phone, right?"
"Yea, why?"
"Can you track it?"
"Oh yea, duh, why didn't I think of that?" I pulled out my cell and my laptop from my backpack, opening the gps. Within a few minutes I had a location.
"They're on the Southern State Parkway where it meets Long Beach Road." I said hurriedly, putting my stuff away again. Chiron and Percy shared a look, Percy looking at Chiron with those pleading eyes again.
"Fine. You and Percy go, see if you can help. Take Blackjack, Percy. It will be faster." Chiron told us somewhat reluctantly. Percy nodded and ran off, telling me to grab my bow and arrows and to find some armour.
Right. My bow and arrows. I had forgotten about those. Suddenly I was filled with excitement to have my own bow and arrows. I ran to the range and inside the little cabin where I had my measurements taken that morning. By now it was past noon and when I showed up, the Hephaestus kid smiled and yelled something into the cabin. One of my siblings came out holding my gear. After a quick run-down of what I had, they sent me on my way. Apparently I had exploding arrows which was totally cool. I asked where I could find some armour and the Hephaestus kid only smiled again. He reached behind him and pulled out big, heavy-looking armour and handed them to me. I raised my eyebrows and let him place them on me. I felt like I just gained 100 kilograms.
"Thanks guys." I said before running--or more like stumbling--off to the stables where Percy said he would meet me.

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