Chapter 13: Quest

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*Nico's POV*

It was like 2am in the morning when I woke up to Dean's screaming "Save him!" I tried to shake him, to yell at him, I even slapped him a few times, all to no avail. When it went on for seven minutes, I decided to go get Sam. Running down to the Apollo cabin, I knocked on the door impatiently. Will Solace answered groggily.

"Dude so not cool it's 2am I knoe I like to get up early but not this early. The sun's not even up yet."

"I need to see Sam something's wrong with Dean." That woke him up.

"I'm in charge of the infirmary. Can I help?"

"Yea. Go get Sam." He turned around and returned a minute later with the tall moose standing behind him. I didn't even bother explaining, I just grabbed his wrist and dragged him across camp to my cabin. When we got back, I gave him permission to enter for the moment and we walked inside. The minute the door opened, Dean's screams could be heard, sending an odd knotted feeling into my stomach. I leaned over him as Sam pinched his arm and yelled his name repeatedly. Five minutes later, he yelled "Dean the ceiling's on fire! Dean!" and Dean awoke with a start, almost smacking his head into mine. He looked at Sam with a broken and yet firm look, "We need to save him."

"Save who?"

"I don't know. He was... being tortured. We need to save him Sam."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Well no but we'll figure it out please Sam we need to find him." I had never seen Dean act this way, practically begging. It made me nervous. Whoever this person was, he must be important to him. Eventually I stepped in.

"I hate to burst your bubble guys, but to leave camp you need Chiron's permission and the only way you get that is through a quest."

"But you guys left." Sam pointed out.

"As children of Hades, we aren't bound by the same rules. We are emissaries between Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood. We can leave whenever we want."

"Camp what?"

"Nothing. It's not important. Point is, if you want to leave, Sam, you need to be part of a quest and granted Chiron's permission to leave."

"Fine. Then let's go see Chiron." He said and stood up, walking out of the cabin. Dean and I exchanged a glance before shrugging our shoulders and following him.

When we reached the Big House, we knocked. The door opened to reveal Chiron--in slippers and with curlers in his tail. "Well? What do you need? You are aware it's 3am, aren't you?"

"Yes, Chiron, and we are sorry to disturb you, but Dean's had a dream and we were hoping to be granted a quest."

"Come inside." He said, leading us inside and into a room with a desk and some chairs on either side. He gestured us to sit, and we did. "So, tell me about this dream."

Dean recounted what he had seen and I was startled. when he finished, Chiron ran his hands through his hair and sighed. Sam pitched in then, saying that he might know the titan that they are loyal to.

"If I may, I think they're talking about the titan Iapetus. When I questioned one of the dracnae from the attack earlier, they told me that was who they were serving. I think that may be whom this other man is serving as well. The blue-eyed man, Castiel, must be resisting serving him and is being punished for it."

"That may be so, but there is no way to know for sure unless we find one of these men." Chiron said thoughtfully. "I think Dean must make a trip to Rachel."

I nodded, thanked Chiron and told him Dean and I would be right back. Then, I had Dean follow me and left Sam with Chiron as we exited the Big House and went to the cave across camp.

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