Chapter 4: A Camper's Welcome

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"Dude, Percy, this is some of the best architecture I've ever seen! It's so much like the Ancient Greek style; it's stunning." Sammy exclaimed.
"Um...thanks?" Percy replied, not really knowing what to say. Architecture and things like that were really not his thing.
"Hey Sam why don't you follow me really quick. I wanna introduce you to someone really quickly. I think you would really get along."
"Yea, give me a sec. I need to tell Dean that I'm going on a social quest."
"Haha okay."

Sam ran off to go talk to his brother and Percy watched him, thinking about his archery skill. He should introduce Sam to the Apollo kids while he's introducing him to people. Sam ran back over announcing that his brother was cool with him taking off.
"Sweet. So... to Annabeth we go."
"Daughter of Athena and my lovely girlfriend." Percy responded, smiling up at Sam. He raised an eyebrow in response.
"Well then. I look forward to meeting this Annabeth."
"Oh you'll love her. She's really into Architecture and all of that stuff as well. Anything bookish and smart is right up her alley."
"Oh that's awesome. Well now I sincerely look forward to meeting her." Sam smiled down at the Son of Poseidon. As Sam and Percy entered the Arena, Sam's eyes widened, taking in the groups of people fighting.
"Hey Annabeth! Come here for a sec! I have someone to introduce to you!" Percy shouted over the clashing of metal. Soon enough the blonde, grey-eyed girl looked in my direction while blocking a strike from her opponent aimed at her thigh. She turned towards the boy she had been sparring with and said something to him that Percy couldn't hear over the roar of the Arena. She began to make her way over. When she reached us she looked at Sam with a cold stare, taking in his age and appearance. She turned towards Percy, "Hey Seaweed Brain. What's up. Who's this guy. He's obviously not a new camper so what's he doing here?"
"Well hey Wise Girl. Uh this is Sam Winchester and he's here because his brother saved my life." Percy said while giving Annabeth a look that said I have more to say on that subject but just not now. Annabeth smiled at Sam and Percy and shook Sam's hand.
"Hey, Sam. I'm Annabeth. Daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy... and weaving."
"Sam Winchester. Son of John Winchester, hunter of demons and monsters and other random creatures." He smiled down at Annabeth.
"Wait. You see monster? Did you say demons? What kind of other random creatures?"
"Yea I see monsters all the time. They've practically followed my brother and I our entire lives. And yea, demons. In fact, when Dean went to hell for 40 years he started the apocalypse which thankfully we stopped but... damn im getting really off-topic. But yea. Demons. Dean was a demon for a little while. And I was soulless. And as for other creatures I mean like ghosts and wendigos and yana and vampires and werewolves and changelings and whatnot." Sam said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Wait. Dean was an actual demon? And you actually had no soul? And... WHAT IS A WENDIGO?!" Annabeth's eyes were going wide.
"Yes, yes and a monster that became a monster by becoming a cannibal and now hunts and eats people. Hey how did you guys get a replica of the pantheon in New York?"
"Oh that's a really good question. I believe we built it or well more accurately the gods built it. So you know your buildings?"
"Uh dude. That's one of the most famous buildings ever. And the Athena Parthenon over there? Well that's just freaking fantastic!!!" With that, Annabeth's eyes lit up and she and Sam began a detailed conversation of the architecture and mythology. Annabeth turned to Percy, "Are you sure he's not my sibling?" She asked.
"I'm fairly sure, Annabeth. In fact I'm pretty sure he belongs somewhere else around here. Talk to you about it later though." Annabeth looked at him quizzically but responded with a nod of her head before jumping back into her conversation with Sam. Percy rolled his eyes at the two of them and sat on a rock. This is gonna be a long conversation. He thought, might as well settle in on this comfy rock.
About fifteen minutes later their conversation was cut off by a yell coming from the direction of the archery range. Sam looked up, startled, but quickly recovered himself and motioned for Percy and Annabeth to follow him. They took off, speeding towards the sound.

~meanwhile DEANS POV~

While Percy and Sam were off being social somewhere, I decided to wander around on my own for a little while. Maybe sulk, wish for my car and some classic rock music. Ya know, the usual. Apparently the server people things will give you whatever you want except alcohol. How depressing is that?! No beer?! How do these kids survive?
While I was wandering around, I found a very dark and secluded place that seemed inviting to me. I mean I wasn't doing anything else with my time so why not just chill here? I stepped in and felt immediately better. The darkness and shadows that surrounded me made me feel much more at home.
I was just settling in to take a nice long nap when this 14 year old or so kid stepped out from the shadows. He was wearing a dark Metallica t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. His black hair was medium length and a bit wavy but stuck up in places. His black combat boots were totally bad-ass and quite honestly, this kid looked like he was pretty awesome. For some reason I felt drawn to him. Like I knew him somehow.
"What do you think you're doing here?" He asked, his cold, dark brown eyes stared into mine as if trying to frighten me.
"I'm just laying here. Pretty cozy. The darkness is always better than that damn blinding sunlight." I stared right back at him with a smirk. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"So who are you anyways?" I asked.
"None of your business who I am. Just go away. I prefer to be here by myself." The boy said, turning his back to me.
"Huh. Well, unfortunately, it looks like we're gonna have to share because I happen to like this place too. And who's your parent anyway? God of darkness and bad moods? Because if so then he describes me pretty well." The boy made a growling sound in the back of his throat.
"Hades. God of the underworld. Now leave. This is my space."
"Sorry kid but I'm not going anywhere. Besides, I don't see your name anywhere so I don't think it's just your space."
His hands curled into fists and the ground began to shake a little bit until a skeletal hand rose from the Earth.
"Woah, dude no need to be angry or anything. But by the way there's a skeleton climbing out of the ground behind you so you might wanna watch out."
"I know there's a skeleton behind me you idiot. Have fun staying here with him." The boy said before vanishing into the shadows. And when I say vanishing I mean literally vanishing. Like he was just gone. I glanced at the skeleton and groaned. Why the hell did he have to leave just as things started to get good. "Just go back to wherever you came from you stupid skeleton. Now! I want some GODDAMN PEACE!" My anger escalated. To my surprise, the skeleton sunk right back into the earth.
My eyes widened. Well that was weird. I mean it's not every day that skeletons did what I wanted. But then again I don't normally yell at them to go away... That was really trippy. I shook it off and went to fall asleep when I heard someone yell off to my left. I ran over and, to my surprise, I found Sammy standing next to a boy who had an arrow in his shoulder. Apparently the kid had accidentally walked into the archery range. Sam was crouched down besides him, holding the arrow stable.
"Uhh do you guys have and bandages and some alcohol or something?"
"We have something better. Here's some nectar." One of the Apollo kids held out a container with a liquid in it. Sam took it and handed it to the kid who drank. Sam then pulled out the arrow and the wound began to heal. The bleeding stopped and the kid stood again, a lot calmer than before. I stared. That was unusual. How did that happen? Sam didn't seem to have to pause at all. He asked for some bandages, bandaged the shoulder and told the kid that it would be fine in a few hours and then he could take the bandage off. As soon as he finished the word "off" he began to glow and above him appeared a laurel Wreath. The kids around him stared, me included. What the hell was going on?

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