Chapter 2: Camp

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"Uhhhh left here." Percy said. Dean took a sharp left up a small road on a mountain. It had been a few hours and Percy said they were almost there.
"Hey what's the name of this camp exactly?"
"Camp Half-Blood."
"What kinda name is that?"
"You'll see." Percy said with a smile. "I can't wait for you to meet Chiron. He'll be really interested to meet the guy who saved my ass. Not very often that happens." Percy smiled and chuckled at once, thinking of what their reaction to Chiron would be.
"Well we are certainly excited to meet him." Sam pitched in.
"Yea. Are we almost there yet?" Dean asked impatiently.
"You should see a strawberry field right around the corner..."
Dean turned the corner and braked, hard. "Dude, Sam look at that! Strawberry field my ass. Nice joke, man." Dean smiled, shaking his head and smiling. "Well Camp Half-Blood here we come."
"Just park the car over here, okay? I promise nothing will happen to it--err her, I mean" Percy quickly corrected himself.
"Will do." Dean replied. He parked the car and hopped out. The others followed him, Percy leading the way towards the camp. The Winchesters followed Percy as he went through an archway with the words "Camp Half-Blood" engraved in it. Percy kept walking and began pointing out the cabins and then stopped when he realised he hadn't given the two mortals permission to enter. He started to say "Oh yea sorry I forgot. You have my permission to enter Camp Half-Blood" but paused mid-"forgot" when he noticed the two boys standing right behind him, apparently unfazed by the magical barriers.
Well that's unusual, Percy thought. He hadn't ever heard of any mortals passing through the barriers without welcome before. He eyed them warily and continued on talking about the basics of Camp.
"So...where exactly are we headed dude. I mean the tour is great and all, but I thought we were meeting someone." Dean said.
"Chill. We're getting there, okay? The Big House is right over there." He pointed to a large structure a little ways off.
"And that's where we are meeting this guy?"
"Yea. That's where I'll introduce you to Chiron." Percy smiled again to himself. "By the way... if I were you I would brace yourself for Chiron. He's a bit... unusual."
"How do you mean?" Sam asked.
"Oh you'll see." Percy grinned over his shoulder.
The three boys approached the steps of the Big House and asked a many-eyed man if they could speak with Chiron.
"Cmon Argus. It's really important." Percy pleaded. Dean was rubbing his eyes wondering if he was seeing things and Sam looked very curious. Argus rolled all 100 of his eyes and moved aside.
"Thanks man." Percy said as he proceeded to the door, knocking upon arrival. The door opened to reveal a centaur. Dean immediately took out his knife and pointed it at the half man, half horse creature who looked mildly surprised.
"Well hello Percy. How nice of you to bring guests." He said.
"Hey Chiron. Yea this is Dean and Sam Winchester. Dean saved my life and Sam is his brother. I just thought you might like to meet them." Percy replied.
"Hold on." Dean said, "So this is Chiron. Horse-dude?"
"He's a centaur you moron." Sam replied, rolling his eyes at Dean.
"Whatever. Still. Same point. He's Chiron?"
"What did you expect, Dean? Do you never read anything? He's all over Greek mythology."
"Sam, you know I only read when I have to. Reading is difficult and sucks ass."
"Dean I know reading is difficult I'm literally dyslexic like you. But unlike you, I put effort into things."
"Hey I put effort into things you asshat. I put effort into... into fighting and hunting and... and eating." Dean retorted.
"Eating. I can vouch for that one." Sam scoffed.
"Um guys..." Percy interrupted.
"Yes, Percy?" Sam turned to Percy with a smile on his face. Percy looked at Chiron who smiled and held out his hand to Sam and Dean.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Chiron. Dean, thank you for saving my camper." Chiron introduced himself.
"No problemo. It was fun. Plus, it's kinda my job." Dean smiled. "So, is there any food around here? Kicking manticore ass kinda makes you hungry."
Sam rolled his eyes at Dean and shrugged at Chiron.
"Well I'm sure the Hermes cabin has some. I'll walk you down." Percy said. "And Chiron, do you mind if I talk to you for a bit as soon as I take these two down there?"
"Sure Percy." Chiron said and turned to go back inside. "I'll be in my office."
Percy turned to the brothers and smiled, holding in laughter. He would have just laughed, but Dean's glare was enough of a threat to silence him. "This way to Hermes cabin" he said joyfully and walked down the porch steps.
"When you say Hermes do you mean like the Greek god Hermes? Like god of travellers and thieves and all that?" Sam asked.
"That's the one." Percy replied. "I would watch your belongings around them. They're pretty nice and that's where we tend to put all the new campers until they're claimed and given their permanent housing."
"Claimed?" Sam asked.
"Mhm. Whenever their parent decides to claim them then they go in the house dedicated to their parent."
"Um... so all the kids in the Hermes cabin are kids of Hermes? Like the god Hermes?" Dean asked.
"Well most of them. I think there's one other unclaimed kid at the moment but everyone else is his kid, yea."
"Okay you guys are crazy." Dean said. Your parents aren't gods. That's just insane.
"Wait. So if all the campers here are children of gods, then who are your parents?" Sam asked.
"My mom is a woman from Brooklyn. She's one of the nicest and caring people I know."
"So you only have one godly parent?"
"Yea. All the campers here only have one godly parent. That's why it's called Camp Half-Blood."
"Oh I get it. You're half human and half god."
"That's right."
"So... who's your dad then?" Sam reiterated.
"Poseidon. Ya know, god of the sea and all that jazz. One of the Big Three."
"No way." Sam said.
"Yes way. Here, watch this." Percy said as he held his palm over a little puddle on the path. The water in the puddle suddenly all rearranged into a star and then the star melted as the water began shooting into the air.
"Dude no way!" Sam said.
"Okay that was pretty awesome" Dean said. Percy smirked and then stopped in front of a cabin.
"Here we are. Welcome to the cabin of the Hermes children. Good luck." Percy said and began walking back towards the Big House. "Don't forget to watch your stuff!" He yelled over his shoulder.
The Winchesters looked at the wooden door ahead of them and then at each other. "Well, here goes nothing." Dean said and then knocked on the door.

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