Chapter Fifty Five

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*Ava’s POV*

Although my house isn’t too big, I can’t help but want a medium sized apartment, maybe somewhere in the city.

 To live in the city has always been my dream, apartments are so beautiful, the lights of the city and the noise of the people really can’t beat living anywhere else.

Unfortunately though, I’m staying here, I like this neighbourhood, and my job would be too far away to drive or even get the train. So for now, I’m sticking here.

“What are you doing?” Alex asked me, crawling onto my lap.

“Just reading this newspaper”

“Has it got bat man in it?”

I laughed, ever since James bought him a superhero set, Alex has become obsessed with batman.

“No, your comic book does”

“I can’t read it properly”

“Ask James”


He jumped from my lap and went running into the kitchen.

“Daddy, will you read my comic book to me”

“What’s the magic word?”

“Please” James chucked and ruffled Alex’s hair.

“Sure little man”

As I was admiring their relationship my phone buzzed next to me, bringing my attention to it.

Connor’s name flashed on the screen, I sighed before picking it up.



“Why do you keep calling me?”

“Why are you so rude?”

He had a nerve

“There are seven trillion nerves in a human body and somehow you manage to get on every single one”

“You do make me laugh Ava”

“It wasn’t a joke but thanks”

“Anyway, I’m coming to get Alex for the weekend”

“No you’re not, look you haven’t spoken to him in seven months, he’s devastated by that, you can’t just run out and then back in and then expect everything to be fine”

“I know, I’m trying to fix things, if I can’t take him out, at least let me take everyone out and we’ll go for tea somewhere” he sighed

“Fine, do it tonight if you can”


“See you soon”

I didn’t let him say goodbye I just hung up and threw my phone back on the couch. I stood and walked over to where James was reading to Alex.

“Hey” I interrupted.

Alex looked up, obviously annoyed by that.

“Sorry, daddy called and he’s going to take us all out for tea” I tried to sound happy, James tensed and stared at me.

“Connor called” Alex corrected me, oh god.

“Connor is your dad Alex”

“No, James is my dad” Alex turned and buried his face in James chest.

“Look buddy, I know you like calling me dad and I love it but you have to remember that Connor is your real dad”

“I don’t want to call him that”

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