Chapter twenty three

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*Brad’s pov*

Things are starting to really annoy me now. It was only a couple of months ago that we met Ava. I understand the whole situation that Connor’s in a coma but seriously, Connor’s best friend sleeping with his ex-girlfriend who actually still loves Connor.

   This thing is fucked up, Ava’s such a nice girl but she confuses me, I mean she was with Tom, then Connor, back to Tom and now James. She needs to pick a guy and stay with him before someone gets really hurt.

When Connor’s wakes up, well if Connor wakes up he isn’t going to be very pleased with James or Ava. He’s going to need all the support he can get and right now he’d get none because James is too busy fucking Ava.

  I need to speak with Ava and find out what the fuck is going on because I’m not letting my band get ripped apart because of some dumb girl.

“Hey Brad” she greeted me.

I was expecting her to bring James with her but obviously her tag along didn’t show his face.


“So, what’s up?”

I do feel sorry for her, she’s had a lot going on but I just have this anger towards her and how she has been treating everyone.

“I need to talk to you about Connor and James”

“I guessed that, that’s why James isn’t here. I said it was best for him to stay at home”

“well I guess you must know that what you’re doing is wrong?”

“How is it wrong? Me and Connor broke up”

“You’re sleeping with his best friend”

She just looked at me, I can tell she feels horrible but she needs to get herself together.

“I’m not sleeping with James, him and I have a thing and if I did sleep with him it would be normal, I’m not here to discuss my sex life because I’m pretty sure yours is no better”

“At least I don’t hop from guy to guy”

“I don’t even do that?”

“Tom? James? Connor? Who is it going to be next week? Tristan, me or even a new guy”

“You bastard”

“I’m not a bastard darling, i’m being truthful and you need to hear this. When Connor wakes up hes going to be distraught, you’re going to have that on your mind all the time. Your slutty ways should stop and I swear to god, if you pull my band apart I will mess your life up Ava” and with that I stood up and left.

*Ava’s POV*

What the fuck was that? i was expecting some hurt feeling but nothing like that. He had no right to say any of those things. I understand his concern for Connor but he needs to fuck off and mind his own business, I’m a person just like him and I can handle things.


hey giys, i have some bad newsssss

i'm going on holiday on the 26th of July for 2 weeks, that means i won't be able to update:( 

I'm so sorry!! but i'll be able to update when i'm back!!:) 

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