Chapter nine

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*Tom’s POV*

Three whole weeks had new past, three very painful weeks. Neither a single text nor call. My friendship with Ava has been for almost forever and she still doesn’t have the desentsy to pick up her phone and tell me what’s going on.

      It’s not the fact that she left me for those boys that makes me angry, it’s the fact that I always put her first and when it comes to me I’m always second choice.

I wasn’t feeling great today, I needed air. I got up this morning after yet another sleepless night and had to shower to get my mind off her.

I decided to go to the beach. I’d always love the beach in the summer, buying ice creams and drinking as much Fanta as I could possibly want. Except this time I’m alone, without Ava.

  I drove down the roads and made my way across the coast to a quite popular beach. As I parked my car, I noticed that the beach was pretty full. A few shops lined the front so I headed over to them.

  I scanned the shelves looking for my Fanta, I didn’t see it. I turned around to look for it on the others.

A boy crashed into me, sending me backward. This was probably a bad idea.

 “Oh my, I’m so sorry” the boy spoke. I was in pain but I shook it off. The boy stood in front of me was quite tall, blonde with quite a manly look to him. I knew him from somewhere I’m sure.

 “Hey, aren’t you from the vamps?” I suddenly remembered, this boy could help me gain my best friend back.

“I am yes, James” he placed his hand out for me to shake.

“Tom” I answered

“Sorry about crashing into you dude” James kindly apologised, again.

“It’s fine, do you happen to know Ava?” I wasn’t sure if he’d met her yet or not.

“Actually I do, she’s my best friends girlfriend” he laughed, I didn’t.

“Girlfriend?” I choked, no way. Ava wouldn’t do this to me, she owes me big time.

“Yeah, do you know her?” He asked, looking quite puzzled now.

“She was my best friend, I lost her to that Connor” I sighed.

“You’re Tom? I’ve heard a lot about you. You should come meet the other boys, were all over there” James pointed in the direction they must be sat at.

“Yeah, sure” I wanted to check this Connor boy out.

  After finding and paying for my Fanta, myself and James made our way to the others.

“Ava, look who I found” I saw as she turned to look and James and then at me that she wasn’t expecting me.

 “T-tom” she stuttered.

“hey” I waved but kept my head low.

*Ava’s POV*

What the hell was Tom doing here? Don’t get me wrong, I’m very pleased he’s here, but what the hell.

  “How’ve you been?” I asked, sitting next to him on the plaid blanket me and Connor put down.

“Alright I guess, you?” He didn’t seem too pleased that he had been invited here. Why did he come then?

 “I’ve been okay” I was being honest when I said ‘okay’. Only Tom knew about my past, I have never been ‘happy’ since my mum passed away.

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