Chapter seventeen

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*Ava’s POV*

My phone won’t stop ringing, I’ve had calls from most of the boys. I haven’t picked up any of them. I don’t need to speak to explain myself to any of them and I know that’s exactly what I’ll end up doing.

   I’ve already explained everything to Connor and it’s really nobody else’s business. I know for a fact Connor will be upset, I’m upset but he’s the one who told me how he really felt and so I thought instead of trying to fix everything I should let it go. You can’t force love, obviously he isn’t in love with me, I’m in love with him, very deeply and truly in love. But as they say, if you love something set it free, if it comes back it’s yours.

That’s my plan, I feel that Connor’s with me over pity. That he just feels sorry for me and doesn’t want to hurt me. So, I plan now to stay away and give him space. If he gets back to me then I’ll go back, if not, I’m going to have to move on.

  When I arrived back at Tom’s last night, we sat up late. He was talking to me about how sorry he was for last week. I believe he is sorry, I have known him for half my life. He knows me like the back of his hand, he can tell exactly when I’m lying. Most importantly, he knows when I need help. He’s the one who stopped me last time.

Around three years ago, I was so lost. I didn’t have anyone to turn to for advise and I guess it made me think I was worthless. I was never popular or even liked at all really, I didn’t have many friends and most of my friends were too embarrassed to even be seen with me. That’s how me and Tom became really close. I’d known him way before that anyway but he moved to my school and was quite popular, he had lots of friends but still chose to sit with me, I told him that he shouldn’t and some days I used to skip lunch so he could be with his other friends but he was determined that he was sitting with me no matter what.

  Anyway, I was basically sick of all the negativity In my life and one day I got pushed over the edge after an argument with my dad. I picked up the box of pills and ran to my room. I took them and before I knew it I had woken up in a hospital bed. I spent two months in hospital to check my mental health. It turns out that Tom was the one to escort me to hospital and even phone an ambulance in the first place, at first I was so annoyed that my plan didn’t work and so I couldn’t speak to him without crying or shouting for weeks.

   I was currently sat on Tom’s bed. He was at work for a few hours and should be back at three.

My phone kept ringing, eventually my patience had worn very thin and before I knew what I was doing I answered it.


“Ava, thank god”

“James, what do you want. Me and Connor are through and he clearly doesn’t want me because I have no missed calls from him or texts, just about two hundred or so from you and Brad”

“Ava, Connor’s hurt”

“Yeah well James so am I”

“No, I mean he’s actually hurt and is in hospital, something terrible happened, you need to come as soon as possible, please hurry”

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