Chapter Twenty

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*Jame’s POV*

“Ava, come here” she’s sat with her head in her knees sobbing.

“I’m scared James” she cries more

I wrap my arms around her body and kiss her head.

I can’t lose Connor either. He’s not only a part of my band but he’s been one of my most trustworthy friends for as long as I’ve known him. He’s so funny without even trying. Before Ava he used to be a bit of a player, he had the good looks and nearly every girl fell for him very quickly. It became a joke to us all that if he ever found a girl that he liked then he had to do his best to make her happy.

  I remember once when me and Connor were at a party and there was this girl, she was so beautiful. Her hair was amazing, it was blonde and flowed down past her waist. She wore a flower crown and this pink floral dress. I had my eye on her all night, she didn’t even look my way. I really wanted to go up to her but the coward inside me stopped me from doing so.

   That girl I met a couple of weeks after, at a concert. In fact that girl is sat with me right now. I’ve never told anyone about how I liked Ava before Connor. It wouldn’t be fair on him. He likes Ava, he’s never liked any girl before. It’s pretty crazy though, my best friend has the girl I like. Seems a bit unfair I suppose.

“James?” Ava sniffled


“Will he wake up?”

I looked down at this girl, her eyes were glossy and the blue really stood out. Her skin was so soft, pale and warm.

“I hope so” I breathed, the truth is I don’t know if he will.

The doctors said he had some bad brain damage and it looked like he would either wake up within the next month or never. It was a pretty sad thing to be told and considering the situation, I’m handling it very well.

“I want him too” her tears fell down her face.

I pressed my thumb against her face, wiping them away. She smiled at me.

God this girl is so beautiful.

“Thank you James, you’ve put up with some shit from me and Connor. I’m surprised you’ve not done a runner”

“I wouldn’t leave you Ava, not now, not ever” she looked at me with her piecing blue eyes. It’s like my eyes were a window to my soul. She just stared at me.

Eventually she moved closer and rested her head on my chest. We just sat there, I don’t really know what we’re waiting for. Connor’s not going to wake up anytime soon.

“Ava” I lightly shook her, she’d fallen asleep.


“I’m going to take you back to mine, okay?”

“Okay” she just nodded and let me pick her up.

After getting Ava back out the car and into my house, I placed her on my bed. I didn’t live in a big fancy house like Connor. My house was small, it was decorated nicely but it was still small. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms, upstairs and downstairs. A dining room and kitchen and then the front room.

“James, could I have some water please?”

I’d placed some clothes out for Ava to change into; they were just a t-shirt of mine and some boxer shorts.

“I’ll be back in a minute, okay?” I quickly pored her some water and got myself some too. I made us both a sandwich and made my way back upstairs.

“Here you go” I placed the water and sandwich on the side. I grabbed clothes I needed and a pillow and headed for the door.

“Will you stay with me?” she asked.

“Sure, but I have to warn you, you may wake up to me sprawled out all over you” I laughed and so did she.

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