Emmet knocked on the gate for the third time and backed up to where Lucy was standing. "I can't believe it; they said to be here at 6, but they haven't opened the door, and it's already 6:30 now!"Typical Bruce," Lucy yelled, annoyed, as she lay against the stone wall. "Who's Bruce?" a voice called from far away, leaving Lucy confused. "Well, on the bright side, we can hang out and talk!" Emmet smiled as Unikitty agreed, and Lucy smiled until she cut herself off and paused, looking down. "Emmet...we need to talk about something," she said quietly.

"About what, Lucy?" Emmet asked, confused. "...So, someone decided to show up to the party...someone that will most likely push the plot further...but either way, it's my dad." She said as Emmet and Unikitty did another prolonged gasp. Lucy waited for them to finish, annoyed.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah," Emmet said as Lucy rolled her eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Emmet screamed happily, scaring Unikitty right into Lucy's arms.

"LUCY, THAT'S AWESOME!" he hugged her. "A-awesome?" Lucy asked, confused. "I've always wanted to meet your parents, and I bet he's super cool and edgy like you!" Emmet smiled. "...Really? I thought you would be terrified to meet him." "Scared, Lucy, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I bet I'll love him." He smiled reassuringly, earning a smile from Lucy. "But what if he doesn't love you?" Unikitty said it out loud as Lucy stared at her, annoyed.

"Hey guys!" they then heard Benny say as he arrived with Sweet Mayhem and Metalbeard. "Sorry we were late, Benny insisted we get these cool space-themed cupcakes for the party!" Mayhem smiled as she showed Lucy and Emmet. "Why be ye guys still out here?" Metalbeard raised an eyebrow, confused. "They haven't let us in yet." Lucy sighed, "typical Bruce," and all three mumbled. "Who's Bruce?" The ominous voice called once more as they looked around even more confused. 

"Are we missing anyone?" Unikitty questioned as Emmet shrugged, "I think President Business said he's running a bit late, but otherwise, I think, oh yeah, Lucy's dad's showing up!" Emmet said, as everyone gasped. "And you're not running?" Benny tilted his head, confused. "We will miss ye when yer gone." Metalbeard frowned as the others agreed. "Oh come on guys, it can't be that bad!" Emmet whined. "It can and most likely will," Batman's voice replied from the speaker on the gate.

"Batman? How long have you been listening to us?" Lucy questioned. "Definitely not like, 15 minutes or whatever; actually, I was. Batman never lies," he stated as they all rolled their eyes. The gate door then opened, letting them in. Emmet thought about what the others were saying—was meeting Lucy's parents- or parent in this case- really that horrifying?

They entered the house and looked around, amazed at the palace. "Whoa...you live here?" Benny said, amazed, "Yea. "I got my own Batcave AND Mancave," Batman showed off. Benny gasped in amazement. "Where is the queen?" Mayhem questioned as she cut herself off, noticing a light show coming from the top of the stairs. Queen Whatevra Wa'nabi then strutted down the stairs in a gown she had created herself. Everyone stared, confused and somewhat amazed.

Once she made it down the stairs, the music turned off and the spotlight disappeared, leaving them in silence.

"I love making dramatic entrances!" Queen W.W. then gushed. "And what a beautiful one it was—my queen," Batman said as everyone looked at him shocked. "Wow, the queen really did change Batman..." Lucy whispered to Emmet as he nodded, still thinking of the whole "parent" issue.

After a couple of minutes of talking, they all went to the dining room to eat. "Steak, I thought you said Queen W.W. was on a no-meat diet?" Lucy said to Batman, "Yeah, but how can you be on a diet if there is no lettuce- Heh, funny joke—copyright Batman," Batman said as Lucy looked out the window behind him and noticed lettuce blowing away in the wind. "What the..." "So Lucy! I heard your fathers showing up!" Queen W.W. smiled excitedly.

"Yea, but he said he couldn't make it to the dinner," Lucy said rather happily. Emmet thought harder about the situation: "What if they were right—what if Lucy's dad hates me?! I don't want that; I want to go fishing with him and do other father-daughter's boyfriends things!" Emmet thought, then whined as he ate rather quickly. Lucy noticed this along with everyone else.

"Babe, are you okay?" Lucy turned to him, concerned. Emmet nodded as he grabbed his drink too quickly, throwing it into his face rather than drinking it. Everyone gasped; Batman, of course, laughed. "Emmet, what's going on?!" Lucy asked, embarrassed. "Nothing, I'm fine; I just wanted to liven up the dinner party!" Emmet laughed awkwardly. "Now you're talking!" Batman said as he grabbed a spoonful of his mashed potatoes, launching it at Emmet's face.

"This was a mistake," Emmet thought and frowned as he began cleaning himself up. "Hey, what's that?" Mayhem then questioned him as she noticed the vest underneath Emmet's shirt. "Oh, it's just an undershirt.." "That be a weird looking under shirt if ye ask me" Metalbeard said as Emmet panicked.

"It's honestly just an undershirt; I didn't know you were all so interested in undershirts!" Emmet said, annoyed, not knowing that this scene was already planned out and a major scene... "Here, just let me..." "No stop!" Emmet smacked Lucy's hand away, earning another gasp from everyone and another laugh from Batman. Lucy looked at him almost hurt. "I'm sorry," Emmet said before Lucy yanked his shirt, opening it up and exposing his Rex vest.

Everyone once more gasped, but this time Batman did as well, then laughed, of course. "What is that?" Lucy asked, shocked, "It's uh-" "THAT'S REX'S VEST!" Benny then screamed, scared, as he hid behind Metalbeard, "You're not turning evil, are you?" "What? It's just a vest!" Emmet pleaded. "Oh no, he already sounds evil!" Unikitty cried as everyone started freaking out.

"Emmet.." Lucy said as Emmet looked down, his eyes filling with tears. He then stood up, knocking over his chair and making a loud enough noise to shut everyone up.

"I'm scared, okay?" I'm scared that your dad is going to kill me and that I won't be good enough for you!" Emmet then yelled to Lucy as she stared at him, shocked. "And this stupid vest belonged to a good friend of mine that I really wish was here right now!" He added it in. "But he tried to change ya," Unikitty mumbled, "and he threw you under the dry-ar" "and beat you up." "Yea, didn't you say he broke your back? That's pretty manly if you ask Batman, though-" "I KNOW WHAT HE DID!" Emmet stomped his foot and yelled louder than he ever had before.

He then paused once he realised how loud he had raised his voice. He looked around and saw everyone who was either looking down uncomfortably or staring at him annoyed. He swallowed hard as he looked down as well. "I'm sorry," he half whispered as he ran out of the room. Lucy watched him go frowning.

"Hey guys! Sorry I was late and all, you know, "business stuff- Lord Business stuff!" President Business joked as he walked in. He paused as he noticed everyone looking down silently and said, "Not a good time?" He questioned as everyone just turned and nodded.

OOOO, the plot thickens! Thanks so much for reading this chapter, and stay tuned for the next one; it's wild, trust me. (Also, I'm going up to my cousin's cottage this weekend, so I'll make sure to write a ton more!!) -Homeofallfandomz 

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