Chapter 16 - "What, she loved a one handed pirate with a drinking problem?"

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"Looking for this?" A new voice asked.

Atarah let out a high pitched scream and turned round to see her brother, Killian Jones, Captain of this ship, standing there with the shawl in his hands.

"Uh, that doesn't belong to you!" Belle stated the obvious as she eyed the object in his hands while Atarah eyed the gun on the table. She wasn't afraid to shoot her brother.

"It does now!" Killian told Belle, catching Atarah eyeing the gun. He couldn't believe his own sister would shoot him with a gun.

"Darling, I don't think that's how it works, you know!" Atarah said as her brother and she quickly lunged for the gun, but her brother had lunged a little earlier than her and he got it first.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Killian sang as he held the gun out and looked at it curiously. "My dearest Belle, you should've stayed with your book. And darling baby sister, you should've just stayed out of it, really! Real life can get so," He pointed the gun at Belle, unable to hold it out to his little sister. "Messy!"

"If you even think about pulling that trigger, I'll stop the bullet then, I'll tie you to your wheel and make your ship sink, so you drown to your death!" She snarled at her brother.

"I may be slightly scared of your sister, but you, i'm not scared of you! And I'm not leaving without that Shawl." Belle told the man fearlessly.

"Well, I admire your loyalty. But helping Rumplestiltskin? I'm afraid you're fighting a lost cause!" Killian told Belle as he placed the object on the table.

"He needs the shawl to find his other son!" Belle told her brother.

"And what makes you think his son wants to be found? Hmm? I'm doing that boy a favour!" Killian said as he observed the gun in his hand. Atarah didn't like that he had his finger dangerously close to that trigger and Killian noticed her eyes didn't move from the trigger. It slightly hurt her that his own little sister would think that he'd hurt her. He would never hurt his little sister.

"Have you not hurt Rumple enough?" Belle questioned him.

Killian held his hook up. "I've hurt him?" He asked incredulously.

"You stole his wife!" Belle told the pirate.

"You stole his wife? You stole Judas' mother? How could you take a parent away from a child?" She asked her brother suddenly angry. "Oh, Wait, I forgot. You don't know what it's like to have no parents most your life!" She snapped.

"Tell me something, love!" Killian said as he walked closer to the two with the gun still in hand. He watched as his sister tensed up. "If a woman comes to you and....begs you to take her away, is that theft?"

"W-why would she leave him?" Belle stuttered.

Atarah knew why, after all he was the talk of the village. "Because he was a coward!" Killian told her, as he stole a glance at his sister. Thinking about how their father allow her to get kidnapped. "And because she loved me!" He looked at the shawl. "I should've burned this as soon as I required it!"

"More like stole!" Atarah scoffed. She then looked at her brother. "Milah, loved you?" She asked. He nodded at his little sister. She laughed. "What, she loved a one handed pirate with a drinking problem!" She smirked with a raised brow. "Her standards really must have been lower than I thought!"

Her brother narrowed his eyes at his sister slightly. He had heard that somewhere. He had heard it at Neverland and it came out of the mouth of the one and only, Peter Pan. He knew she defended him back in the enchanted forest, but his sister couldn't know him. Could she?

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