"I'll talk to you soon. Bye Chaeng" I said as I hung up the phone.

I sat and continued to watch Jin as he built our baby's crib. As I watched him, I found my mind wandering to Lisa. I knew that she hated flying so constant back and forth trips to Seoul made no sense to me. She had to have a good reason to travel so often. I slowly began to realise my mind was wandering to places it really shouldn't. Lisa was behind me and I needed to leave her there. In the past.

As I sat there trying to get my brain to get off the topic of Lisa, my water broke.

"Umm.. Jin.." I said slowly.

"Yeah babe?" He replied, slightly distracted.

"It's time"

"Okay" He said as he continued to work on the crib.

"Like now Jin. The baby is coming"

"Oh, holy shit!" He exclaimed, jumping up.

He hurried through the house collecting the pre packed bag and various other things I had prepared for when the baby was born. He carefully and calmly got me into the car and drove to the hospital. Once we arrived, we checked in and got settled into the delivery room. At my direction, he made several phone calls to family to alert them that we were about to have the baby. Labor pains were horrible. He held my hand and took care of me the entire time.

Sixteen hours later, we both became parents when I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She was perfect.

The moment I held her in my arms, I fell in love. Jin looked completely stunned.

"Look what we did baby" He whispered as the tears fell from his eyes. "She's beautiful"

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" He kissed my forehead.


I woke to soft voices in the room. I was surprised to see Taehyung sitting in the rocking chair holding Grace. I couldn't help but smile at how small she looked in his arms. Jin stood close by as he watched his brother hold his niece.

"She's so awesome" I heard Taehyung say.

He glanced up and smiled at me when he noticed my open eyes. "Hey Jen"

"What are you doing here?" I asked him with a soft smile.

"We flew out as soon as we heard you were in labor. We've been here for a few hours now" He answered.


"Yeah. Lisa's here too. We wouldn't miss this for the world. She's our first niece" He said as he kissed Grace on the nose.

"I'm glad you guys came" I said, hiding the fact that the mention of Lisa being here made me feel slightly panicked.

"Knock, knock" I heard her say as she poked her head in the door. "Hey" She said softly when she saw that I was awake.

"Hi" I replied with a shy smile.

"Come on in Lis" Jin said.

She stepped through the door holding a bunch of flowers and a bag of food.

"This is for you" She said as she sat the items down on the table and gave me a tight hug. "Good job" She said with a little smile as she glanced over at Grace.

"Thank you"

I watched as she walked over to Taehyung.

"Look at her Lis, she's perfect" Taehyung said.

Still Holding On (Jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now