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xvii. Clock

Aurora and Finnick ran down the beach, eager to see their friend from District Seven

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Aurora and Finnick ran down the beach, eager to see their friend from District Seven. Johanna felt relieved to find the two still alive, as well as the girl on fire. So far, everything seemed to be going well for them, minus some minor mishaps, like the loss of Johanna's district partner. Along with Johanna was Beetee and Wiress, District Three's geniuses. Aurora was thankful they were still alive as well. Not only were they extremely intelligent making them perfect allies, but they were also part of the plan.

Aurora and Johanna had engulfed each other in large hugs. Aurora didn't mind the blood that now covered her suit, for that was the least of their worries. Johanna chuckled in disbelief at their presence. She was thankful that so far, all the people she cared for in the games were still alive. Aurora had also needed Johanna's pessimistic optimism, for being with the District Twelve victors made her feel a bit bored. They were always brooding and quiet. But she understood because they had no clue their lives were guaranteed safe. Johanna was going to add some spice to the games, that was for sure.

"Oh my god Johanna, I'm so glad to see you," Aurora exclaimed as she pulled away from the bloody girl. Then it was Finnick's turn to go in for a hug.

"What happened?" Finnick questioned, wondering about why they were covered in the crimson liquid.

"Well, we were all the way, deep into the jungle, where I thought it was gonna be safe. That's when the rain started." Katniss and Peeta approached the group, feeling hesitant about the new allies. "I thought it was water, it turned out to be blood."

Johanna's bloody face looked unsettling as she looked at the two tributes. As she spoke, Wiress came behind her, looking mad. She muttered the words, "Tick tock, tick tock," over and over again.

"Hot, thick blood." She continued, ignoring Wiress's antics. She pushed Wiress away, as she got much too close for comfort. "It was coming down, it was choking us. Huh, we were stumbling around, gagging on it blind. That's when Blight hit the forcefield." She took a sigh, closing her eyes. "He wasn't much, but he was from home."

Aurora looked at the girl with sympathy for her lost tribute partner. It seemed as a victor, everyone you know gets taken from you. Wiress didn't seem to quit her muttering, grabbing onto Johanna, looking at her with her crazed eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" Katniss wondered, feeling unsettled with the poor girl.

"She's in shock." Aurora helped Beetee up off the floor, as he spoke. "Dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?"

"We can get some," Katniss answered.

Johanna didn't seem to be enjoying Wiress's state, as she struggled to get the girl off of her. "Listen, stop it." Johanna went to push the girl away but was stopped by a protective Katniss.

"Hey, lay off her!" Katniss intervened as Johanna pushed Wiress to the floor.

Katniss grabbed Johanna, ready to attack her for pushing Wiress down to the floor. Luckily, Finnick managed to pull Katniss off like some crazed cat.

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