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AN: THIS IS PROBABLY THE LAST CHAPTER IM UPLOADING IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, unless I ever decide to continue writing for this fanfic. But this was written a long time ago and is very unfinished and unedited. The reason why I didn't upload it earlier was because I was going to rewrite the entire thing, but I'll get into that later. Eventually I decided that since I'm not continuing the story, I might as well post what I have. I mean at least its sort of ending on a happy note? :D

TW: mentions of suicide

Annie Cresta emerged from the arena shaking and soaked in what appeared to be water, though the culprit could've easily been her tears. It was a horrific sight. A flood washed away the remnants of the arena, along with it the vile doings of the Capitol. What was once a bloody and gory sight became a blank slate once the waves came in. Nothing survived, except for the traumatized District Four tribute.

The 70th Hunger Games quickly became Finnick and Aurora's most daunting despite their win. The relief of a new victor to bring home brought more joy to Finnick and the rest of them than it did Aurora. She knew a new neighbor only meant another victim. As if Annie Cresta hadn't been tortured enough by her games, left only a fragment of her former self. She didn't yet know surviving life following the games was always harder than surviving the games themselves.

One was quick and painless, while the other lasted a lifetime, to where it seemed that life never really existed.

Nonetheless, Aurora Evans was relieved to return home with the doe-eyed Annie Cresta, finding a sliver of hope and comfort in the thought that her efforts this year weren't for nothing. That she hadn't another addition to the bone-breaking weight of guilt on her shoulders. That another life wasn't on her hands.

And even then, the festival of colors and wondrous music to which they returned to in their home of District Four wasn't enough to shed the lingering pressure that dauntingly hung above Aurora. It had been there since they'd arrived in the capitol with that year's tributes, growing steadily behind curtains.

Finnick had noticed it in the strange silence that hung between him and Aurora. What he initially thought was the exhaustion of traveling appeared to be something more once distraction began to seem impossible. There was something stuck on Aurora's mind, and Finnick was afraid of what it was, knowing it threatened to consume ever part of her.

He should've known it was a mistake not to say anything.

He should've known Aurora would eventually become tempted by the peaceful quiet of the eternal darkness, a possible future that was brighter than the one she currently saw before her eyes.

He should've known that Zale's fate would become more of a mercy in her eyes than a tragedy.

He should've held onto her tighter.

Aurora planned to flee.

To where? She didn't quite know. All she knew was that the destination would always be the same. She would be with her brother.

There was no safe place to hide. Though she hoped that Snow couldn't find her hidden in the middle of the ocean.

The second day of the week long festivities would remain in Finnick's mind till the end of time. Awaking in his own home for what would be the one of the few times that entire year, his first instinct would have been to visit Aurora had it not been for his growing concern over his new red-headed neighbor.

As he got ready to visit the girl, he couldn't help but notice a loud pattering sound on his windows. A loud and threatening thunderstorm had District Four soaked. Even despite the weather, he knew the festivities would not be cancelled, and neither would his venture.

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