To Believe

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To believe in the lord in a day
where famine and destruction lead the way,
is how we are to find the truth 
when everything in life is aloof.

Some may be young, some may be old,
but God is no respecter of age.
He gives everyone a chance to make a change.
You just have to grab it and let God lead the way. 

It may be hard for some of you, as belief in the unseen may be hard to do,
but when we see the lame walk and  the drunk abstain,
we are more likely to be changed.
We turn into people who love the lord
and we show this in how we change others door to door.

We give others hope in the way we live, as through the lord we always forgive.
We forgive people who hurt us in the past,
as Jesus Christ did on that cross many years back.
He showed us what true love is on that cross, as he sacrificed himself for the lost.
We did nothing but love still came.
That's what belief in the lord can do in this day in age.

Belief in the lord may not save the world.
It may not give you money or all the attractive boys or girls.
What it will give is eyes to see all the suffering around you and me.
With new eyes we give people the chance to see our lord in the divine kingdom,
as in the end that's all that matters in a world that doesn't know him

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