Never Gone

40 18 1

You may be gone and out of my life.
You may have brought me an asinine amount of pain and strife,
but in the end you left a lasting impact on me.
The walks in the afternoon with the cool crisp autumn breeze flowing all over me and you.
The sunshine glowing all over the place I swear the sky never looked so blue.
Going to the zoo, movies, and all those times your clumsy self fell over.
Those are all times I'll hold close together as I would with a four leaf clover.
As like a four leaf clover those times don't last forever.
In the end it did fade away.
You decided to go another path and lead a new day.
Even though I don't like the path you have chosen for yourself it's not my say.
So even though you're gone you changed my life by just loving who I was.
I never thought someone would ever love me that much.
It was truly a spectacle I think we may have even surprised the God above.
So just thank you for being apart of my life.
You stay safe girl and I hope you have many great nights.

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