This Storm

47 18 4

How did I end up in this storm?
Was it something I did? Why wasn't I warned?
I'm so alone, scared, and afraid right now.
The storm is sucking, driving me into its dark spiraling abyss.
Everything around me is cycling through this vortex.
Memories, failures, it's a spinning cycle of all my disappointments I'm a wreck.
I start to wonder am I even going to get out of this?
In all honesty does this storm even exist?
Am I just going insane, and imagining all of this.
Maybe this storm isn't real, and my mind really is even keel.
I mean I'm still breathing, and my heart is still beating.
I'm fine right?
No I'm not alright.
This storm is real, and I don't know what to do.
I'm dying from the inside through, and through.
The storms currents whisper. "You're a failure just give up."
As it says that I begin to think I've just had enough.
The storm in my mind is just too tough.
Sad enough this may be the end.
This storm is just too much I've just had enough.

Poems From My Allpoetry Account Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora