To You in Particular

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To you in particular stop playing with my friends emotions!
You're like a witch with a deadly potion.
Sucking out all the life he has with every word you say!
Can you just leave him alone for a few days!!
I mean it's just ridiculous don't you say?!

To you in particular stop writing him letters and saying you love him.
We all know you don't stop acting like your above him.

To you in particular stop being a puppeteer.
Don't you know I would like you to just disappear!?
You just don't get it do you?
All you do when you talk to him is make him blue.
It's quite sick because he really loves you.

To you in particular stop your games.
The way you hurt him is just a shame.
You say you love him, and leave him in the dust.
Oh girl I really hope you rust!

To you in particular stop giving him hope.
Your games are childish, and your actions really need some soap.
Because your dirty, and unclean.
Your personality, and attitude is just so mean!

So to you in particular don't call him on the phone.
You really just need to leave the boy alone!
It's getting old and stupid.
I really hope on Valentine's Day you don't see Cupid.
Don't you dare play with my friends emotions!

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